Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
► include | |
Angle.h | |
AreaDir.h | |
AreaFile.h | |
AreaNav.h | |
Attitude.h | |
AttitudeAngle.h | |
BrnData.h | |
Buffer.h | |
BufrCode.h | |
BufrData.h | |
BufrFile.h | |
BufrParam.h | |
BZlib.h | |
Calc.h | |
CclData.h | |
CityData.h | |
CityFile.h | |
CityHash.h | |
CityHashData.h | |
CityPlot.h | |
CityTool.h | |
ClimatData.h | |
ClimatFile.h | |
ClimatTool.h | |
CloudLayer.h | |
CloudPlot.h | |
Color.h | |
ColorBar.h | |
ColorFile.h | |
ColorFill.h | |
ColorMap.h | |
Config.h | |
Const.h | |
ContPlot.h | |
Convert.h | |
Coords.h | |
Data.h | |
DataMath.h | |
Date.h | |
DateRange.h | |
DateTool.h | |
DateVal.h | |
Datum.h | |
DatumAttr.h | |
DatumPlot.h | |
Device.h | |
Domain.h | |
DomainTool.h | |
DomainVal.h | |
Drawing.h | |
EarthPoint.h | |
EarthPoint2.h | |
EarthPoints.h | |
EarthRange.h | |
Enhance.h | |
Figure.h | |
File.h | |
FileAttr.h | |
Filename.h | |
FileTool.h | |
FloatArray.h | |
ForeTime.h | |
FrontData.h | |
FrontFile.h | |
FrontPlot.h | |
GeomBox.h | |
GFont.h | |
GifFile.h | |
GiniFile.h | |
Graph.h | |
GraphAttr.h | |
GribFile.h | |
GribParam.h | |
GribPDB.h | |
Grid.h | |
GridBox.h | |
GridCont.h | |
GridFile.h | |
GridMath.h | |
GridPiece.h | |
GridPlot.h | |
GridPoint.h | |
GridPoints.h | |
GridRead.h | |
Grids.h | |
GridSound.h | |
GridSpec.h | |
GridStats.h | |
GridTool.h | |
GridVect.h | |
GridWxpFile.h | |
GTran.h | |
Gvar.h | |
Hash.h | |
HelicityData.h | |
HodoDiag.h | |
HodoPlot.h | |
Hpgl.h | |
HurData.h | |
HurFile.h | |
HurFore.h | |
HurPlot.h | |
HurPos.h | |
HurStorm.h | |
HurStorms.h | |
HurWxpFile.h | |
Image.h | |
ImageColor.h | |
ImageFile.h | |
ImageMath.h | |
ImagePiece.h | |
ImagePlot.h | |
ImageTool.h | |
ImgWxpFile.h | |
IntArray.h | |
KavradFile.h | |
KavradPacket.h | |
KmlData.h | |
KmlFile.h | |
LclData.h | |
Lev2Data.h | |
Lev2File.h | |
Lev2Image.h | |
Lev2Info.h | |
Lev2Plot.h | |
Level.h | |
License.h | |
LightData.h | |
LightFile.h | |
LightPlot.h | |
Listener.h | |
LritFile.h | |
LZWComp.h | |
MapFile.h | |
MapFileHeader.h | |
MapPlot.h | |
MdrData.h | |
MdrDecode.h | |
MdrDomain.h | |
MdrFile.h | |
MdrHash.h | |
MdrImage.h | |
MdrPlot.h | |
MdrRawData.h | |
MdrRegion.h | |
MdrWxpFile.h | |
Menu.h | |
MenuItem.h | |
Message.h | |
MetaFile.h | |
MetaPlot.h | |
MetarFile.h | |
MetarTool.h | |
MeteoPlot.h | |
MiscPlot.h | |
ModelName.h | |
ModelSpec.h | |
MonoSinus.h | |
MosData.h | |
MosDataTool.h | |
MosFile.h | |
MosGrid.h | |
MosPlot.h | |
MosRaw.h | |
MosUData.h | |
MosUFile.h | |
NameConv.h | |
NameConvFile.h | |
NetCdfFile.h | |
NidsData.h | |
NidsFile.h | |
NidsImage.h | |
NidsInfo.h | |
NidsPlot.h | |
NidsRadial.h | |
NidsRun.h | |
NidsText.h | |
NidsVector.h | |
NidsWind.h | |
NowradFile.h | |
NowradPacket.h | |
ObjectAnal.h | |
Pan.h | |
Panel.h | |
ParcelMeanData.h | |
ParcelParams.h | |
Parse.h | |
Planet.h | |
Plot.h | |
PlotAttr.h | |
PlotItem.h | |
PlotLabel.h | |
PngFile.h | |
Point.h | |
Point2.h | |
Points.h | |
Postscript.h | |
Product.h | |
ProfData.h | |
ProfFile.h | |
ProfPlot.h | |
Prog.h | |
RadMask.h | |
RadPlot.h | |
Range.h | |
Raw.h | |
RawField.h | |
RawFile.h | |
RawGrid.h | |
RawPlot.h | |
RcmData.h | |
RcmDecode.h | |
RcmDomain.h | |
RcmFile.h | |
RcmHash.h | |
RcmImage.h | |
RcmPlot.h | |
RcmRawData.h | |
RcmWxpFile.h | |
Rect.h | |
RedbookFile.h | |
RedbookPacket.h | |
RedbookPlot.h | |
RedbookPlotParam.h | |
RedbookText.h | |
RedbookVector.h | |
Region.h | |
RegionMenu.h | |
Resrc.h | |
ResrcCL.h | |
ResrcDB.h | |
ResrcDBItem.h | |
ResrcDBList.h | |
ResrcEnv.h | |
ResrcFile.h | |
RGB.h | |
SaoTool.h | |
SatAngle.h | |
SatCdfFile.h | |
SatFile.h | |
SatPlot.h | |
SatPoint.h | |
SatTool.h | |
SatUniFile.h | |
Scanp.h | |
SfcCdfFile.h | |
SfcData.h | |
SfcDataTool.h | |
SfcDecode.h | |
SfcFile.h | |
SfcGrid.h | |
SfcHash.h | |
SfcPlot.h | |
SfcRaw.h | |
SfcUniFile.h | |
SfcWmoData.h | |
SfcWmoFile.h | |
SfcWxpFile.h | |
SfcXmlFile.h | |
ShapeData.h | |
ShapeFile.h | |
ShearData.h | |
Socket.h | |
SoundParams.h | |
SoundPlot.h | |
Spline.h | |
StatPrior.h | |
StormAttr.h | |
String.h | |
Strings.h | |
StrLib.h | |
Swap.h | |
Symbol.h | |
SynopTool.h | |
ThermDiag.h | |
ThermPlot.h | |
ThetaEData.h | |
TiffFile.h | |
Timer.h | |
Timezone.h | |
Tools.h | |
Unit.h | |
UnitData.h | |
UpaCalc.h | |
UpaData.h | |
UpaDataTool.h | |
UpaDecode.h | |
UpaFile.h | |
UpaGrid.h | |
UpaLevel.h | |
UpaPlot.h | |
UpaRaw.h | |
UpaRawinData.h | |
UpaRawinHash.h | |
UpaTool.h | |
UpaWmoData.h | |
UpaWmoFile.h | |
UpaWxpFile.h | |
UpaXSectCont.h | |
UpaXSectPlot.h | |
VarFile.h | |
VarFileData.h | |
Variable.h | |
VarList.h | |
VarMenu.h | |
VarName.h | |
VarNameItem.h | |
VarSpec.h | |
VCoord.h | |
Vect.h | |
VectPlot.h | |
Vtec.h | |
WarnData.h | |
WarnFile.h | |
WarnPlot.h | |
WatchData.h | |
WatchFile.h | |
WatchPlot.h | |
Wind.h | |
WindParams.h | |
WindPlot.h | |
WmoData.h | |
WmoFile.h | |
WmoIngest.h | |
WmoParse.h | |
WmoProduct.h | |
Wxp.h | |
Wxpdoc.h | |
WxpResrc.h | |
WxTool.h | |
XSectionPlot.h | |
XWindow.h | |
Zlib.h | |