Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- w -
- waitEvent() : WXP::XWindow
- WarnFile() : WXP::WarnFile
- WarnPlot() : WXP::WarnPlot
- WatchData() : WXP::WatchData
- WatchFile() : WXP::WatchFile
- WatchPlot() : WXP::WatchPlot
- weather12() : WXP::MosData
- weather6() : WXP::MosData
- weatherText() : WXP::SfcData
- wetBulb() : WXP::Calc
- wetBulbPotTemp() : WXP::Calc
- where() : WXP::Domain, WXP::StrLib
- Wind() : WXP::Wind
- windChill() : WXP::Calc
- windChillTemp() : WXP::Calc
- windChillTemp2() : WXP::Calc
- windDir() : WXP::Calc
- windSpd() : WXP::Calc
- windU() : WXP::Calc
- windV() : WXP::Calc
- within() : WXP::Domain, WXP::EarthPoints, WXP::GridPoints, WXP::Points
- withinExt() : WXP::Domain
- WmoIngest() : WXP::WmoIngest
- WmoParse() : WXP::WmoParse
- wrapLine() : WXP::Domain
- write() : WXP::File, WXP::GifFile, WXP::GiniFile, WXP::ImageFile, WXP::ImgWxpFile, WXP::LZWComp, WXP::PngFile, WXP::ShapeFile, WXP::TiffFile, WXP::UpaFile
- writeBits() : WXP::GribFile
- writeData() : WXP::MapFile
- writeHeader() : WXP::MapFile