WXP C++ Library Version 6.74.9
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CWXP::AngleThis structure sets data for an angle
 CWXP::AreaDirThis struct stores AREA file parameters
 CWXP::AreaFileThis class decodes McIDAS AREA files
 CWXP::AreaNavThis struct stores extra AREA navigation data
 CWXP::AttitudeThis struct stores the attitude of the satellite in space
 CWXP::AttitudeAngleThis struct stores attitude angle data
 CWXP::BrnDataThis struct holds output data from BRN calculation
 CWXP::BufferThis class creates a generic buffer for data
 CWXP::BufrCodeThis struct stores BUFR codes
 CWXP::BufrDataThis struct stores BUFR data
 CWXP::BufrFileThis class reads in BUFR data from a file
 CWXP::BufrParamThis struct manages BUFR params
 CWXP::BZlibThis class manages bzip2 decompression
 CWXP::CalcThis class contains functions for doing simple meteorological computations
 CWXP::CclDataThis structure holds output data from CCL calculation
 CWXP::CityDataThis class stores city database information
 CWXP::CityFileThis class reads in data from city database files
 CWXP::CityHashThis class sets up a hash table for city database information
 CWXP::CityHashDataThis struct stores basic city database values
 CWXP::CityToolThis class is a set of tools for working with city databases
 CWXP::ClimatDataThis struct stores decoded CLIMAT data
 CWXP::ClimatFileThis class read in CLIMAT reports
 CWXP::ClimatToolThis class processes CLIMAT data
 CWXP::CloudLayerThis struct stores cloud layer data
 CWXP::CloudPlotThis class plots cloud symbols
 CWXP::ColorThis struct stores basic color values
 CWXP::ColorBarThis class holds data to plot a color bar
 CWXP::ColorFileThis class reads data from a color table file and populates a ColorMap class
 CWXP::ColorFillThis class sets up color fill parameters
 CWXP::ColorMapThis class defines a specific color map. This is a mapping between color indices, color names and RGB values
 CWXP::ConstThis class defines constants used by WXP
 CWXP::ContPlotThis class contours a grid
 CWXP::ConvertThis defines some simple conversion factors
 CWXP::CoordsThis struct defines a set of parameters for rectangular regions
 CWXP::DataThis class is a repository for point data
 CWXP::DataMathThis class does math on raw point data
 CWXP::DateRangeThis class is used to set a valid range of time
 CWXP::DateToolThis class manipulates dates
 CWXP::DateValThis struct defines basic date values
 CWXP::DatumThis class stores raw point data
 CWXP::DatumAttrThis class stores point data attributes
 CWXP::DatumPlotThis class plots point data
 CWXP::DeviceThis virtual class defines methods for output to generic device
 CWXP::DomainToolThis class has tools to manipulate domains
 CWXP::DomainValThis struct defines basic domain parameters
 CWXP::DrawingThis is a virtual class defining drawing routines
 CWXP::EarthPointThis struct defines earth point values (lat, lon, elev)
 CWXP::EarthPoint2This struct stores double precision earth location
 CWXP::EarthPointsThis class creates an array a earth points (lat, lon)
 CWXP::EarthRangeThis struct defines a range of latitudes and longitudes
 CWXP::EnhanceThis class creates and accesses satellite enhancement files
 CWXP::FileAttrThis defines some basic file attributes
 CWXP::FilenameThis class creates filenames
 CWXP::FileToolThis class has a set of file tools
 CWXP::FloatArrayThis class creates an integer array
 CWXP::ForeTimeThis class defines forecast time parameters
 CWXP::FrontDataThis structure stores front information
 CWXP::FrontFileThis class read in front data (ASUS01)
 CWXP::GeomBoxThis structure sets size and location of a geometric box
 CWXP::GFontThis class stores WXP font information
 CWXP::GifFileThis class reads and writes GIF files
 CWXP::GiniFileThis class reads satellite imagery in GINI format
 CWXP::GraphAttrThis defines some basic graphics attributes
 CWXP::GribFileThis class reads in and decodes GRIB data
 CWXP::GribParamThis struct stores GRIB parameter information
 CWXP::GribPDBThis structure contains the values from the GRIB Product Definition Block
 CWXP::GridThis class defines a grid
 CWXP::GridBoxThis class sets up a grid box for use with contouring
 CWXP::GridFileThis class opens and reads grid file data
 CWXP::GridMathThis class does math on grids
 CWXP::GridPieceThis class pieces a set of grid together into a larger grid
 CWXP::GridPointThis struct defines basic gridpoint values
 CWXP::GridPointsThis class creates an array a 2D points (x, y)
 CWXP::GridReadThis class reads and composites gridded data
 CWXP::GridsThis class sets up a repository for grids
 CWXP::GridSoundThis class creates a sounding from gridded data
 CWXP::GridSpecThis class defines vertical level parameters
 CWXP::GridStatsThis struct contains statistics from a grid
 CWXP::GridToolThis class contains a set of tools to work with grid data
 CWXP::GridWxpFileThis class opens and reads grid file data
 CWXP::GTranThis class creates device independent coordinate systems
 CWXP::GvarThis class manages GVAR GOES satellite image navigation
 CWXP::HashThis class creates and manages generic hash tables
 CWXP::HelicityDataThis structure holds output data from helicity calculation
 CWXP::HodoDiagThis class plots hodograph diagram (no data)
 CWXP::HurDataThis struct has data for a single hurricane advisory
 CWXP::HurFileThis class decode hurricane advisories
 CWXP::HurForeThis struct has data for a single advisory containing observation and forecast
 CWXP::HurPosThis struct has data for a hurricane position
 CHurricaneThis class decode hurricane advisories
 CWXP::HurStormThis struct has data for a single tropical system containing several advisories
 CWXP::HurStormsThis class creates an array a hurricane storms
 CWXP::HurWxpFileThis class decode hurricane advisories
 CWXP::ImageThis class defines an image
 CWXP::ImageColorThis struct sets up color values for an image
 CWXP::ImageFileThis class reads and writes image files
 CWXP::ImageMathThis class manipulates images
 CWXP::ImagePieceThis class pieces a set of image together into a larger image
 CWXP::ImageToolThis class has some tools for processing images
 CWXP::ImgWxpFileThis class reads and writes image files
 CWXP::IntArrayThis class creates an integer array
 CWXP::KavradFileThis class reads in Kavouras radar mosaic data files
 CWXP::KavradPacketThis struct stores run length encoding data for Kavouras mosaics
 CWXP::KmlDataThis struct stores KML data
 CWXP::KmlFileThis class reads in surface data from a WXP formatted file from file
 CWXP::LclDataThis struct stores output of LCL calculation
 CWXP::Lev2DataThis struct stores Nexrad Level II block header information
 CWXP::Lev2FileThis class reads and decodes NIDS data from file
 CWXP::Lev2ImageThis class converts and merges Level II radar data into an Image
 CWXP::Lev2InfoThis structure stores LevelII radar header information
 CWXP::LevelThis class defines vertical level parameters
 CWXP::LicenseThis class checks the WXP license file for valid licenses
 CWXP::LightDataThis class defines standard lightning parameters
 CWXP::LightFileThis class reads in lightning data from file
 CWXP::ListenerThis virtual class defines the callback method for use with plotting
 CWXP::LritFileThis class reads and decodes LRIT satellite data from file
 CWXP::LZWCompThis class reads and writes GIF files
 CWXP::MapFileThis class reads data from a map database file
 CWXP::MapFileHeaderThis struct stores map segment header information
 CWXP::MdrDataThis class manages MDR (Manually Digitized Radar Messages) data
 CWXP::MdrDecodeThis decodes MDR radar data files
 CWXP::MdrDomainThis class does transforms on MDR data grid
 CWXP::MdrFileThis class reads in MDR (Manually Digitized Radar Messages) data
 CWXP::MdrHashThis class sets up a hash table for MDR radar information
 CWXP::MdrImageThis class merges MDR data into an Image
 CWXP::MdrRawDataThis struct stores raw MDR reports
 CWXP::MdrRegionThis struct stores MDR data for a particular precipitation region
 CWXP::MdrWxpFileThis class reads in decoded MDR radar files
 CWXP::MenuThis class creates a menu system
 CWXP::MenuItemThis struct defines menu item parameters
 CWXP::MessageThis class prints text to the display based on priorities.
 CWXP::MetarFileThis class reads in raw METAR data
 CWXP::MetarToolThis class is a set of tools to manage METAR data
 CWXP::ModelNameThis class retrieves forecast model name from file.
The model name is cached in the object so it can be used again.
If it is not a match, then it searches the mod_name.lup file to get the name
 CWXP::ModelSpecThis class retrieves forecast model file parameters. This is a mapping between a model type and the files and grids that are needed to construct grids for display. This is useful for files that contain multiple types of grids or grids that need to be pieced together
 CWXP::MonoSinusThis struct stores Monomial Sinusoids
 CWXP::MosDataThis class stores MOS data
 CWXP::MosDataToolThis class processes data from MosData class
 CWXP::MosFileThis class reads MOS data files
 CWXP::MosGridThis class converts MOS data to a grid
 CWXP::MosRawThis class puts MOS data into a Data class for further processing
 CWXP::MosUDataThis class stores MOS data
 CWXP::MosUFileThis class reads MOS data files
 CWXP::NameConvThis class creates a name convention used to create filenames
 CWXP::NameConvFileThis class stores values returned by the NameConv class
 CWXP::NetCdfFileThis class is an access layer to netCDF files
 CWXP::NidsDataThis struct stores NIDS data
 CWXP::NidsFileThis class reads and decodes NIDS data from file
 CWXP::NidsImageThis class converts and merges NIDS data into an Image
 CWXP::NidsInfoThis struct stores NIDS header data
 CWXP::NidsRadialThis struct stores NIDS radial block header information
 CWXP::NidsRunThis struct stores NIDS run length encoding block header information
 CWXP::NidsTextThis struct stores NIDS text block header information
 CWXP::NidsVectorThis struct stores NIDS vector block header information
 CWXP::NidsWindThis struct stores NIDS wind data block header information
 CWXP::NowradFileThis class reads in WSI NOWRad radar mosaic files
 CWXP::NowradPacketThis class stores WSI NOWRad radar mosaic data
 CWXP::ObjectAnalThis class performs an objective analysis on point data converting it to a grid.
 CWXP::PanThis struct holds PAN message data
 CWXP::PanelThis defines a plotting region and its attributes
 CWXP::ParcelMeanDataThis struct holds output data from parcel mean calculation
 CWXP::ParcelParamsThis struct stores parcel parameters
 CWXP::ParseThis class parses text files
 CWXP::PlanetThis class computes sun location information as well as sunrise and sunset
 CWXP::PlotAttrThis class stores plot attributes
 CWXP::PlotItemThis struct stores drawing objects used in complex plot
 CWXP::PlotLabelThis struct stores labels for plot annotation
 CWXP::PngFileThis class reads and write PNG image files
 CWXP::PointThis struct sets a 3D point (x, y, z)
 CWXP::Point2This struct stores double precision point location
 CWXP::PointsThis class creates an array a 2D points (x, y)
 CWXP::ProductThis struct holds data for a specific product to be saved by the data ingestor
 CWXP::ProfDataThis struct stores profiler data
 CWXP::ProfFileThis class reads and decodes profiler
 CWXP::ProgThis class sets up some static classes used by WXP programs
 CWXP::RadMaskThis class sets up various masks for radar data based on model data
 CWXP::RangeThis struct defines a simple range of values
 CWXP::RawFieldThis struct stores information on each field in file
 CWXP::RawFileThis class reads and writes raw point data
 CWXP::RawGridThis class fits raw data to a grid
 CWXP::RcmDataThis class manages RCM (Radar Coded Messages) data
 CWXP::RcmDecodeThis decodes RCM radar data files
 CWXP::RcmDomainThis class does transforms on RCM data grid
 CWXP::RcmFileThis class manages RCM (Radar Coded Messages) data files
 CWXP::RcmHashThis class sets up a hash table for MDR radar information
 CWXP::RcmImageThis class converts and merges RCM data into an Image
 CWXP::RcmRawDataThis struct holds the raw RCM data to be decoded
 CWXP::RcmWxpFileThis class reads in decoded RCM radar files
 CWXP::RectThis structure defines rectangle coordinates
 CWXP::RedbookFileThis class reads in Redbook formatted data
 CWXP::RedbookPacketThis struct stores Redbook packet data
 CWXP::RedbookPlotParamThis struct stores Redbook plotting parameters
 CWXP::RedbookTextThis struct stores Redbook text data
 CWXP::RedbookVectorThis struct stores Redbook vector data
 CWXP::RegionThis class reads in domain information for preset regions (wxp.reg file)
 CWXP::RegionMenuThis class sets up and displays a menu of regions
 CWXP::ResrcThis class stores a set of resources to be used to set parameters in various objects
 CWXP::ResrcCLThis class parses the command line for resource values
 CWXP::ResrcDBThis class creates the resource database from the resource file, environment variables and command line parameters
 CWXP::ResrcDBItemThis struct defines specific resource parameters
 CWXP::ResrcDBListThis class stores resource database information
 CWXP::ResrcEnvThis class gets environment variable values given a specific resource
 CWXP::ResrcFileThis class reads resource values in from a file
 CWXP::RGBThis struct defines a set of RGB values
 CWXP::SaoToolThis class is a set of tools to manage METAR data
 CWXP::SatAngleThis struct stores the angle of the satellite imager
 CWXP::SatCdfFileThis class reads in surface data from a netCDF file
 CWXP::SatFileThis class reads satellite imagery from file
 CWXP::SatPointThis struct stores where the satellite is pointing
 CWXP::SatToolThis class has tools used in processing satellite data
 CWXP::SatUniFileThis class reads satellite imagery in Unisys format
 CWXP::ScanpThis class parses data given expressions to search for
 CWXP::SfcCdfFileThis class reads in surface data from a netCDF file
 CWXP::SfcDataThis class stores surface data
 CWXP::SfcDataToolThis class processes data from SfcData class
 CWXP::SfcDecodeThis class decodes METAR, SAO and SYNOP data files
 CWXP::SfcFileThis class reads in surface data from a file from file
 CWXP::SfcGridThis class converts surface data to a grid
 CWXP::SfcHashThis class sets up a hash table for surface data. Used with decoder
 CWXP::SfcRawThis class puts surface data into a Data class for further processing
 CWXP::SfcUniFileThis class reads in surface data from a Unisys formatted file from file
 CWXP::SfcWmoDataThis class hold information about raw surface reports (METAR, SAO)
 CWXP::SfcWmoFileThis class reads in surface data from a input raw data file from file
 CWXP::SfcWxpFileThis class reads in surface data from a WXP formatted file from file
 CWXP::SfcXmlFileThis class reads in surface data from a WXP formatted file from file
 CWXP::ShapeDataThis struct stores ShapeFile data
 CWXP::ShapeFileThis class reads in and writes shape files
 CWXP::ShearDataThis struct holds output data from shear calculation
 CWXP::SocketThis class manages socket based network connections
 CWXP::SoundParamsThis struct computes and stores sounding parameters
 CWXP::SplineThis class creates splines from point data
 CWXP::StatPriorThis class defines station priority values
 CWXP::StormAttrThis struct stores storm attribute data from NIDS data
 CWXP::StringThis is a variable length string class
 CWXP::StringsThis class creates a list of strings
 CWXP::StrLibThis class manipulates basic strings (char *)
 CWXP::SwapThis class performs byte swapping
 CWXP::SymbolThis class reads in symbol font data
 CWXP::SynopToolThis class is a set of tools to manage SYNOP data
 CWXP::ThermDiagThis class plots thermodynamic diagrams (no soundings)
 CWXP::ThetaEDataThis structure holds output data from thetaE calculation
 CWXP::TiffFileThis class reads and writes GIF files
 CWXP::TimerThis class manages a simple timer
 CWXP::TimezoneThis class manipulates timezones
 CWXP::ToolsThis class contains generic tools
 CWXP::UnitThis class converts units
 CWXP::UnitDataThis struct stores specific unit conversions
 CWXP::UpaCalcThis class does standard computations on upper air data
 CWXP::UpaDataThis class stores upper air data
 CWXP::UpaDataToolThis class processes data from UpaData class
 CWXP::UpaDecodeThis decodes upper air data files
 CWXP::UpaFileThis class reads in and parses upper air data from a converted file
 CWXP::UpaGridThis class plots surface data
 CWXP::UpaLevelThis struct contains data for a specific upper air level
 CWXP::UpaRawThis class puts upper air data into a Raw class for further processing
 CWXP::UpaRawinDataThis class stores upper air sounding data by type (mandatory, significant, wind levels)
 CWXP::UpaRawinHashThis class sets up a hash table for upper air data
 CWXP::UpaToolThis class is a set of tools to decode and manage upper air data
 CWXP::UpaWmoDataThis class hold information about raw upper air reports (TTAA, TTBB, ...)
 CWXP::UpaWmoFileThis class reads in upper air data from a input raw data file from file. Used by decoder
 CWXP::UpaWxpFileThis class reads in and parses upper air data from a converted file
 CWXP::VarFileThis class specifies a list of variables
 CWXP::VarFileDataThis struct specifies a list of variables
 CWXP::VariableThis class specifies variable information
 CWXP::VarListThis class specifies a list of variables
 CWXP::VarMenuThis sets up variable menu and prompts user
 CWXP::VarNameThis class processes variable information from variable.lup file
 CWXP::VarNameItemThis class manages each item in the variable list
 CWXP::VarSpecThis class specifies variable information
 CWXP::VCoordThis structure defines a vertical coordinate (type,val)
 CWXP::VectThis structure defines a vector quantity (x,y)
 CWXP::VectPlotThis class plots vectors and streamlines from U and V grids
 CWXP::VtecThis class contains VTEC data
 CWXP::WarnDataThis struct stores watch box data
 CWXP::WarnFileThis class reads and decodes warning location data from file
 CWXP::WatchDataThis struct stores watch box data
 CWXP::WatchFileThis class reads and decodes watch box data from file
 CWXP::WindThis structure defines wind values (dir,spd)
 CWXP::WindParamsThis struct computes sounding wind parameters
 CWXP::WindPlotThis class plots wind symbols
 CWXP::WmoDataThis struct stores a line of WMO formated data
 CWXP::WmoFileThis class reads in WMO formated data
 CWXP::WmoIngestThis class ingests WMO formated data (see NOAAPORT/FOS)
 CWXP::WmoParseThis class parses text files
 CWXP::WxpResrcThis class sets up WXP specific resources
 CWXP::WxToolThis class includes some general weather tools
 CWXP::ZlibThis class manages zlib decompression