File Reference

Color Table File (.clr)

This file contains the color table information used to set color index and names for WXP programs.  In other words, it list the valid colors that can be used in a WXP program.


Each line of this file contains the color information for a specific color:

[index] name red green blue

[index] name #hex_rep


Up to 256 colors may be specified in the file. If the index is not specified, the indices start with 0 and increment by one for each line in the file.

End Keyword

A line containing just the word "end" represents the end of the color fill contour colors.  In the first color table database, the color fill resource defaults to all the colors listed.  The end keyword terminates the color fill sequence if the whole file is not part of the color fill pattern.


Here is the wxp.clr color database file.

Black      0.0     0.0     0.0
White      1.0     1.0     1.0
Red        0.7     0.0     0.0
Green      0.0     0.7     0.0
Blue       0.0     0.0     0.7
Yellow     1.0     1.0     0.3
Cyan       0.0     0.7     0.7
Magenta    0.7     0.0     0.7
DGray      0.3     0.3     0.3
LGray      0.7     0.7     0.7
LRed       1.0     0.3     0.3
LGreen     0.3     1.0     0.3
LBlue      0.3     0.3     1.0
Brown      0.7     0.7     0.0
LCyan      0.3     1.0     1.0
LMagenta   1.0     0.3     1.0

Here is the radar2.clr color database file using hex representation..

rad1 #000000
rad2 #00ECEC
rad3 #01A0F6
rad4 #0000F6
rad5 #00FF00
rad6 #00C800
rad7 #009000
rad8 #FFFF00
rad9 #E7C000
rad10 #FF9000
rad11 #FF0000
rad12 #D60000
rad13 #C00000
rad14 #FF00FF
rad15 #9955C9
rad16 #FFFFFF


Last updated May 10, 2020