Resource Reference

Resource: in_file

Resource in_file
Overview Specifies the input file name tag.
Command Line -if=in_file
Environment Variable wxpinfile
Possible Values
Default Value program specific

The in_file resource is a program specific input file setting and describes what type of input file will be as well as the naming convention of the file. In most cases, the input file format will be deduced from the file itself but may need to be specified in the cases of nids and nowrad for the rad program and for GOES tap images in satplot.

The input file naming convention is based on program defaults and doesn't need to be specified unless you are wanting a different naming convention. This can be done in two ways:

Name Convention Wildcard Characters
Wildcards Description


%F file_path resource
%D data_path resource
%C con_path resource
%G grid_path resource
%R raw_path resource
%I image_path resource
%W watch_path resource


%Y Current year (1900-)
%y Current year (00-99)
%B Current month (JAN-DEC)
%b Current month (jan-dec)
%m Current month (01-12)
%j Current Julian day (0-365)
%d Current day (01-31)
%h Current hour (00-23)
%n Current minute (00-59)


%r region
%l vertical level
%f forecast time
%v variable
%x model
%p program name
%i loop/frame index
%e tag extension

Most of these are preset by the program and the in_file resource just takes advantage of these values in generating a file name based on time and type of plot.

Last updated October 2013