WXP version 5

WMO Header Descriptions

WMO Header information




Report Types

Type Description Codes
A Summaries and analyses TEXT/WMO
C Climatic data TEXT/WMO
D Grid point information GRID
E Satellite imagery  
F Forecasts TEXT/WMO
G Grid point information GRID
H Grid point information GRIB
I Binary observations BUFR
J Binary forecasts BUFR
N Notices TEXT
O Oceanographic data GRIB
P Pictorial data Redbook
Q Pictorial data (regional)  
R Hydrological data TEXT/WMO
S Surface data TEXT/WMO
T Satellite data TEXT/WMO
U Upper air data TEXT/WMO
V National data  
W Watches, warnings and advisories TEXT
X Grid point information GRID
Y Grid point information GRIB
Z Grid point information GRIB

[A] Analyses and summaries

TT Explanation Code Form
AB Weather summaries TEXT
AC Convective/Cyclone discussions TEXT
AI Ice discussions FM 44 (ICEAN)
AO Ozone discussions TEXT
AR Radar discussions TEXT
AS Surface discussions/analyses FM 45 (IAC), FM 46 (IAC FLEET), TEXT
AT Satellite discussions FM 85 (SAREP)
AU Upper air discussions FM 45 (IAC)
AX Tropical and miscellaneous discussions TEXT

[C] Climatic data

TT Explanation Code Form
CA Climatic anomalies TEXT
CE Monthly data - upper air FM 76 (CLIMAT TEMP SHIP)
CH Monthly data - surface FM 72 (CLIMAT SHIP)
CO Monthly data - ocean areas FM 73 (NACLI, CLINP, SPCLI, CLISA, INCLI)
CS Monthly data - surface FM 71 (CLIMAT)
CU Monthly data - upper air FM 75 (CLIMAT TEMP)

[F] Forecast information

TT Explanation Code Form
FA Aviation forecasts FM 53 (ARFOR)
FB Upper level windows and temperatures FM 50 (WINTEM)
FC  Aerodrome forecasts (VT < 12hr) FM 51 (TAF)
FD Radiological trajectory FM 57 (RADOF)
FE Extended forecasts TEXT
FF Shipping forecasts FM 46 (IAC FLEET)
FI Iceberg forecasts TEXT
FJ Radio warning service TEXT
FM Temperature extreme forecasts TEXT
FO Model guidance forecasts Formatted TEXT
FP Public forecasts TEXT
FQ Other shipping forecasts TEXT
FR Aviation route forecasts FM 54 (ROFOR)
FS Surface forecasts FM 45 (IAC), FM 46 (IAC FLEET), TEXT
FT Aerodrome forecasts (VT > 12hr) FM 51 (TAF)
FU Upper air forecasts FM 45 (IAC)
FW Winter sports forecasts TEXT
FX Miscellaneous forecasts TEXT
FZ Shipping area forecasts FM 61 (MAFOR)

[S] Surface data

TT Explanation Code Form
SA Aviation routine reports FM 15 (METAR), SAO
SB Radar reports (part A) FM 20 (RADOB)
SC  Radar reports (part B) FM 20 (RADOB)
SD Radar reports (parts A & B) FM 20 (RADOB), Formatted TEXT
SE Earthquake/Seismic reports Formatted TEXT
SF Atmopsheric reports FM 81 (SFAZI), FM 82 (SFLOC), FM 83 (SFAZU)
SG Radiological data reports FM 22 (RADREP)
SI Intermediate synoptic hour reports FM12 (SYNOP), FM13 (SHIP)
SM Main synoptic hour reports FM12 (SYNOP), FM13 (SHIP)
SN Nonstandard synoptic reports FM12 (SYNOP), FM13 (SHIP)
SO Oceanographic data TEXT
SP Special aviation reports FM 16 (SPECI)
SR Hydrological reports FM 67 (HYDRA)
ST Sea ice reports TEXT
SU Snow depth reports TEXT
SV Lake ice reports TEXT
SX Miscellaneous reports TEXT

[T] Satellite data

TT Explanation Code Form
TB Satellite orbit parameters Formatted TEXT
TC Satellite cloud interpretations FM 85 (SAREP)
TH  Satellite derived upper air soundings FM 86 (SATEM)
TI Satellite imagery NOAAPORT Satellite Format
TR Clear radiance observations FM 87 (SARAD)
TT Sea surface temperatures FM 88 (SATOB)
TW Winds and cloud temperatures FM 88 (SATOB)
TX Miscellaneous satellite reports TEXT

[U] Upper air data

TT Explanation Code Form
UA Aircraft reports AIREP
UB Aircraft reports AIREP
UC  Constant balloon data COLBA
UD Aircraft reports FM 42 (AMDAR)
UE Upper air temp data (part D) FM 35 (TEMP), FM 36 (TEMP SHIP), FM 38 (TEMP MOBIL)
UF Upper air temp data (part C, D) FM 35 (TEMP), FM 36 (TEMP SHIP), FM 38 (TEMP MOBIL)
UG Upper air wind data (part B) FM 32 (PILOT), FM 33 (PILOT SHIP), FM 34 (PILOT MOBIL)
UH Upper air wind data (part C) FM 32 (PILOT), FM 33 (PILOT SHIP), FM 34 (PILOT MOBIL)
UI Upper air wind data (part A, B) FM 32 (PILOT), FM 33 (PILOT SHIP), FM 34 (PILOT MOBIL)
UK Upper air temp data (part B) FM 35 (TEMP), FM 36 (TEMP SHIP), FM 38 (TEMP MOBIL)
UL Upper air temp data (part C) FM 35 (TEMP), FM 36 (TEMP SHIP), FM 38 (TEMP MOBIL)
UM Upper air temp data (part A, B) FM 35 (TEMP), FM 36 (TEMP SHIP), FM 38 (TEMP MOBIL)
UN Rocketsonde reports FM 39 (ROCOB), FM 40 (ROCOB SHIP)
UP Upper air wind data (part A) FM 32 (PILOT), FM 33 (PILOT SHIP), FM 34 (PILOT MOBIL)
UQ Upper air wind data (part D) FM 32 (PILOT), FM 33 (PILOT SHIP), FM 34 (PILOT MOBIL)
UR Aircraft recon reports RECCO
US Upper air temp data (part A) FM 35 (TEMP), FM 36 (TEMP SHIP), FM 38 (TEMP MOBIL)
UT Aircraft reports FM 41 (CODAR)
UX Miscellaneous upper air reports TEXT
UY Upper air wind data (part C, D) FM 32 (PILOT), FM 33 (PILOT SHIP), FM 34 (PILOT MOBIL)
UZ Dropsonde reports FM 37 (TEMP DROP)

[W] Watch and warning information

TT Explanation Code Form
WC Aviation forecasts FM 53 (ARFOR)
FB Upper level windows and temperatures FM 50 (WINTEM)
FC  Aerodrome forecasts (VT < 12hr) FM 51 (TAF)
FD Radiological trajectory FM 57 (RADOF)
FE Extended forecasts TEXT
FF Shipping forecasts FM 46 (IAC FLEET)
FI Iceberg forecasts TEXT
FJ Radio warning service TEXT
FM Temperature extreme forecasts TEXT
FO Model guidance forecasts Formatted TEXT
FP Public forecasts TEXT
FQ Other shipping forecasts TEXT
FR Aviation route forecasts FM 54 (ROFOR)
FS Surface forecasts FM 45 (IAC), FM 46 (IAC FLEET), TEXT
FT Aerodrome forecasts (VT > 12hr) FM 51 (TAF)

Report Region

Countries, regions and islands

AA Region AA Region AA Region
AB Albania AG Argentina AH Afghanistan
AI Ascension lsland AK Alaska AL Algeria
AN Angola AT Antigua, St Kitts and
other British Islands in the vicinity
AU Australia
AZ Azores BA Bahamas BC Botswana
BD Bruei Darussalam BE Bermuda BH Belize
BI Burundi BJ Benin BK Banks Island
BM Myanmar BN Bahrain BO Bolivia
BQ Baltic Sea area BR Barbados BU Bulgaria
BV Bouvet Island BW Bangladesh BX Belgium, Luxembourg
BY Belarus BZ Brazil CA Caribbean area and
Central America
CD Chad CE Central African Republic CG Congo
CH Chile CI China CM Cameroon
CN Canada CO Colombia CR Spain (Canary Islands)
CS Costa Rica CT Canton Island CU Cuba
CV Cape Verde CY Cyprus CZ Czechoslovakia
DJ Djibouti DL Germany DN Denmark
DO Dominica DR Dominican Republic EG Egypt
EQ Ecuador ER United Arab Emirates ES El Salvador
ET Ethiopia FA Faeroes FG French Guyana
FL Finland FJ Fiji FK Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
FP St Pierre and Miquelon FR France FW Wallis and Futuna Islands
GB Gambia GC Cayman Islands GD Grenada
GE Gough Island GH Ghana GI Gibraltar
GL Greenland GM Guam GN Guinea
GO Gabon GQ Equatorial Guinea GR Greece
GU Guatemala GW Guinea-Bissau GY Guyana
HA Haiti HE St. Helena HK Hong Kong
HO Honduras HU Hungary, Republic of HV Burkina Faso
HW Hawaiian Islands IC Comoros ID Indonesia
IE Ireland IL Iceland IN India
IQ Iraq IR Iran, Islamic Republic of IS Isreal
IV Ivory Coast IY Italy JD Jordan
JM Jamaica JP Japan KA Caroline Islands
KB Kiribati KI Chistmas Island KK Cocos Islands
KN Kenya KO Korea, Republic of KP Cambodia
KR Democratic People's Republic
of Korea
KU Cook Islands KW Kuwait
LA Lao People's Democratic
Republic (Laos)
LB Lebanon LC Saint Lucia
LI Liberia LN Southern Line Islands LS Lesotho
LU Aleutian Islands LY Libyan Arab Jamahiriya MA Mauritius
MB Marion Island MC Morocco MD Madeira
MF Saint Martin, Saint Bartholomew,
Guadeloupe and other French Islands
in the vicinity
MG Madagascar MH Marshall Island
MI Mali MK Macquarie Island ML Malta
MN Mt Maarten, St Eustatius and
MO Mongolia MR Martinique
MS Malaysia MT Mauritania MU Macao
MV Maldives MW Malawi MX Mexico
MY Mariana lslands MZ Mozambique NC New Caledonia
NF Norfolk Island NG Papua New Guinea NI Nigeria
NK Nicaragua NL Netherlands NM Namibia
NO Norway NP Nepal NR Niger
NU Netherlands Antilles
(Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao)
NV Vanuatu NW Nauru
NZ New Zealand OM Oman OR South Orkney Islands
OS Austria PF French Polynesia PH Phillippines
PI Phoenix Islands PK Pakistan PL Poland, Republic of
PM Panama PO Portugal PR Peru
PT Pitcairn Island PU Puerto Rico PY Paraguay
QT Qatar RA Russian Federation (Asia) RE Reunion and associated islands
RO Romania RS Russian Federation (Europe) RW Rwanda
SB Sri Lanka SC Seychelles SD Saudi Arabia
SG Senegal SI Somalia SK Sarawak
SL Sierra Leone SM Suriname SN Sweden
SO Solomon Islands SR Singapore SP Spain
SU Swaziland SV Switzerland SW Santa Cruz Islands
SY Syria Arab Republic SZ Spitzbergen TC Tristan da Cunha
TD Trinidad and Tobago TG Togo TH Thailand
TI Turk Islands TK Tokelau Islands TM Timor
TN Tanzania, United Republic of TO Tonga TP Sao Tome and Principe
TS Tunisia TU Turkey TV Tuvalu
UG Uganda UK United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland
UR Ukraine
US United States of America UY Uraguay VI Virgin Islands
VN Venezuela VS Vietnam, Socialist Republic of WK Wake Island
YE Yemen, Republic of YG Yugoslavia ZA South Africa
ZB Zambia ZM Western Samoa ZR Zaire
ZW Zimbabwe        

Continents, Oceans and Hemispheres

AA Region AA Region AA Region
AA Antarctica AC Artic AE South-East Asia
AF Africa AM Central Africa AO West Africa
AP Southern Africa AR Arabian Sea area AS Asia
AW Near East EA East Africa EC East China Sea area
EE Eastern Europe EM Middle Europe EN Northern Europe
EU Europe EW Western Europe FE Far East
GA Gulf of Alaska area GX Gulf of Mexico area IO Indian Ocean area
ME Eastern Mediterranean area MM Mediterranean area MP Central Mediterranean area
MQ Western Mediterranean area NA North America NT North Atlantic area
OC Oceania OH Sea of Okhotsk PA Pacific area
PE Persian Gulf area PN North Pacific area PQ Western North Pacific
PS South Pacific area PW Western Pacific area PZ Eastern Pacific area
SA South America SE Southern Ocean area SJ Sea of Japan area
SS South China Sea area ST South Atlantic area XE Eastern hemisphere
XN Northern hemisphere XS Southern hemisphere XT Tropical belt
XW Western hemisphere XX for use where other
designator are not appropriate

Last updated August 11, 1998