WXP version 5
File Reference

City Location File (.cty)

The city database file contain reporting station location information.


The format for this database file is as follows:

longname    st cn iiiii MpU lat lon elev wmo [###]



Here is a sample of some stations from the sao.cty file:

Phoenix/Luke AF AZ US  KLUF  5   33.53 -112.38   332 99999
Philadelphia In PA US  KPHL  2   39.88  -75.25     9 72408
Petersburg (AWO VA US  KPTB  4   37.18  -77.52    59 99999
Petersburg      AK US  PAPG  4   56.82 -132.97     0 70386
Peoria Regional IL US  KPIA  2   40.67  -89.68   202 72532
Pensacola Regio FL US  KPNS  4   30.47  -87.18    37 99999
Pendleton Munic OR US  KPDT  3   45.68 -118.85   456 72688
Pelly Bay 1     NT CN  CWRF  3   69.43  -89.73   325 71918
Pellston/Emmet  MI US  KPLN  4   45.57  -84.80   219 99999
City Database Files
Database Type of Stations Location
sao.cty Surface SAO/METAR Global
sao_all.cty Surface SAO/METAR Global+non-reporting
upa.cty Upper air Global
upa_all.cty Upper air Global+non-reporting
syn.cty Surface Synoptic Global
syn_all.cty Surface Synoptic Global+non-reporting
rad.cty NEXRAD Radar United States
mos.cty Model Output North America
shef.cty SHEF United States


Last updated August 7, 1998