Model Lookup File (model.lup)
For gridded data from the forecast models, information is broadcast on a set of grids. Often these grids are saved into output files based on the model and grid type. In some cases, several types of grids are broadcast from a single model. For example, the Eta model has grids that cover the US (211), Alaska (207). In other cases, the grid is broken into subgrids, as is the case with the aviation model. The global grids are broken up into 8 subgrids which must be pieced together to produce the final global grid. In addition, there needs to be a mapping between model type (model resource) and the file name tags. The "model.lup" file serves these purposes.
The syntax of the model lookup file is:
model geometry tag[#grid][,tag[#grid]...]
- model -- The name of the model used in the model resource (-mo=eta).
- geometry -- The geometry of the grids to be pieced together. If geometry is "1", only one grid is used. If multiple grids are pieced together, this listed the way they are pieced together. For example, "4x2" means that 8 grids will be pieced together with 4 per row and 2 rows. The grids are pieced together from left to right and top to bottom.
- tag -- The file name convention tag to be used in constructing the file name to use. More than one tag can be listed if the grids are to be pieced together (see geometry).
- grid -- The grid number from the GRIB file (PDB Octet 7). This is used to get specific grids from a file containing more than one grid type.
For more information, see the forecast model files section of the Users Guide.
Here are some examples:
eta 1 grib_eta
The Eta model grids would be placed in a single file by the ingestor. The model would be specified using "-mo=eta" and the grids would be searched for in a file with the "grid_eta" naming convention (see the name convention file).
eta 1 grib_eta#211 eta_ak 1 grib_eta#207
This would be used if more than one grid type was saved into a specific file by the ingestor. If the model is "eta", then only the 211 grids from the file would be used. If the model is "eta_ak", then the 207 grids would be used.
avn 4x2 grib_avn_n1w,grib_avn_n0w,grib_avn_n0e,grib_avn_n1e,grib_avn_s1w,grib_avn_s0w,grib_avn_s0e,grib_avn_s1e
This would specify that the avn model grids are actually pieced together from 8 separate grids. The geometry is 4x2 and the grids are extracted from files with naming conventions of grib_avn_n1w, and grib_avn_n0w, etc. Since the piecing process can take time, smaller sub grids can be used:
avn_nae 3x1 grib_avn_n1w,grib_avn_n0w,grib_avn_n0e
This will only piece together 3 grids from the northern hemisphere rather than piecing together 8. This is useful for AVN plots over North America.
An example of the model.lup file:
eta 1 grib_eta eta_ak 1 grib_etak meta 1 grib_meta ngm 1 grib_ngm avn_us 1 grib_avn_us avn_na 1 grib_avn_na avn_nh 1 grib_avn_nh avn 4x2 grib_avn_n1w,grib_avn_n0w,grib_avn_n0e,grib_avn_n1e,grib_avn_s1w,grib_avn_s0w,grib_avn_s0e,grib_avn_s1e avn_nhem 4x1 grib_avn_n1w,grib_avn_n0w,grib_avn_n0e,grib_avn_n1e avn_shem 4x1 grib_avn_s1w,grib_avn_s0w,grib_avn_s0e,grib_avn_s1e avn_whem 2x2 grib_avn_n1w,grib_avn_n0w,grib_avn_s1w,grib_avn_s0w avn_ehem 2x2 grib_avn_n0e,grib_avn_n1e,grib_avn_s0e,grib_avn_s1e avn_nae 3x1 grib_avn_n1w,grib_avn_n0w,grib_avn_n0e avn_asia 2x1 grib_avn_n0e,grib_avn_n1e avn_eur 3x1 grib_avn_n0w,grib_avn_n0e,grib_avn_n1e avn_sam 2x1 grib_avn_s0w,grib_avn_s0e mrf 1x2 grib_mrf_nh,grib_mrf_sh mrf_us 1 grib_mrf_us mrf_nh 1 grib_mrf_nh mrf_hi 1 grib_mrf_hi mrf_nhem 1 grib_mrf_nh mrf_shem 1 grib_mrf_sh ruc 1 grib_ruc ecmwf 4x2 grib_ecmwf#4,grib_ecmwf#3,grib_ecmwf#2,grib_ecmwf#1,grib_ecmwf#12,grib_ecmwf#11,grib_ecmwf#10,grib_ecmwf#9 ecmwf_nh 4x1 grib_ecmwf#4,grib_ecmwf#3,grib_ecmwf#2,grib_ecmwf#1 ecmwf_tr 4x1 grib_ecmwf#8,grib_ecmwf#7,grib_ecmwf#6,grib_ecmwf#5 ecmwf_sh 4x1 grib_ecmwf#12,grib_ecmwf#11,grib_ecmwf#10,grib_ecmwf#9 sst 2x2 grib_sst#61,grib_sst#62,grib_sst#63,grib_sst#64 sst5 2x2 grib_sst#21,grib_sst#22,grib_sst#23,grib_sst#24 sst1 4x2 grib_sst#37,grib_sst#38,grib_sst#39,grib_sst#40,grib_sst#41,grib_sst#42,grib_sst#43,grib_sst#44
Last updated August 11, 1998