WXP version 5
File Reference

Region File (wxp.reg)

WXP uses a default region file called "wxp.reg".  In this file, there is a list of all regions that can be used in WXP and their appropriate plot_domain specifications.  Often, the default set of regions does not satisfy the users needs so new regions can be added to this file if needed. 


The syntax of this file is similar to the variable and menu files:

   abbr    name      toggle    plot_domain


This file also controls which regions will show up in the region menu for appropriate WXP programs.  Also, dashes can be placed in each value to delimit a separator.   This is useful for organizing items in the region menu.


An example of a block from the wxp.reg file:

us     Contiguous_US       1  39,-97,2.3
ne     New_England         1  42,-76,.9
at     Atlantic            1  37,-82,.9
se     Southeastern        1  31,-88,1.1
mw     Midwestern          1  43,-93,1.1
sp     Southern_Plains     1  32.5,-100,1.2
nw     Northwestern        1  44,-112,1
sw     Southwestern        1  37,-112,1
--     ------------        1  ---------
wcan   Western_Canada      1  55,-110,1.3
ecan   Eastern_Canada      1  53,-75,1.3
ncan   Northern_Canada     1  70,-100,1.5
namer  North_America       1  50,-100,49,33,2.2
ngm    NGM                 0  40,-101,2.9
nhem   North_Hemisphere    0  90,-90,25,25,8
shem   South_Hemisphere    0  -90,-90,25,25,8
hi     Hawaii              0  21,-157,.6
ak     Alaska              0  65,-140,1.5
col    Colorado            1  39,-106,.8
ind    Indiana             1  40,-86,.3


Last updated August 11, 1998