WXP version 5
Release Notes

WXP version 5 Release Notes

Latest Version 5.60.3
May 2024

Version 5.60.3 (May 2024)


Version 5.60.2 (January 2022)


New in version 5.59 (October 2013)

Bug Fixes:

New in version 5.58 (March 2012)

Additional Functionality:

New in version 5.57 (August 2011)

Bug Fixes:

Additional Functionality:

New in version 5.56 (March 2011)

NSSL radar mosaic support

Added support for the NSSL radar mosaics

Bug Fixes:

New in version 5.55 (September 2010)

Bug Fixes:

New in version 5.54 (April 2010)

New NIDS products

Added support for new NIDS products 134 (Digital VIL) and 135 (Enhanced Echo Tops).

New in version 5.53 (December 2009)

Upgraded 64 bit support for MacOS X

Changed more code to handle 64 bit processing.

New NIDS products

Added support for NIDS products 94 and 99 (high res bref and vel) which will replace products 19 and 27.

Bug Fixes:

New in version 5.52 (September 2009)

Upgraded 64 bit support for MacOS X

Compiling for Snow Leopard exposed a couple of buffer overruns and small bugs

Bug Fixes:

New in version 5.51 (August 2009)

Upgraded 64 bit support

Performed testing on 64 bit version of WXP to make sure each program worked properly

Bug Fixes:

Additional Functionality:

New in version 5.50 (June 2009)

Updated ingest program

Changed com processing to handle end of line better. The end of line is now CR/CR/LF rather than just LF.

Added a test for just ETX. All products are terminated with a sole ETX character but this is hard to test for since it not at the end of a line but at the beginning. But packets are terminated with ETX so reworking the processing to go packet by packet allows for this test. This then allows product's output files to be closed when the product is terminated rather than waiting for the start of the next product (i.e. when the next line comes across).

Fixed several bugs in wrap testing the end of line. This fixed some issues with products getting truncated if the right combination of characters were present.

Fixed a bug which could cause a core dump on some run-on lines.

Fixed a bug for GRIB header processing. The parameter array was too small to handle possible parameters and thus the output header files were not getting the right parameters. In other words, the header files would be wrong.

Added new logging for potential issue relating to partial headers and possible truncated products.

Bug Fixes:

New in version 5.49 (March 2009)

Added support for TEMP MOBIL upper air reports

WXP uacvt will now decode TEMP MOBIL products. This includes IIA, IIBB, IICC, IIDD, EEBB and EEDD products.

Added more support for NAM MOS data

Even though Eta MOS had been supported, it wasn't fully supported in programs like fo_parse and statlog. In converting Eta to NAM some parameters were not fully decoded. Now all the parameters are decoded adding SNW, CIG, VIS and OBV. Several bug in the decoder were fixed.

Additional Functionality:

Bug Fixes:

New in version 5.48.3 (January 2009)

Added support for TDWR

The rad program will now process and display TDWR (Terminal Doppler Radar) data files.

Bug Fixes:

New in version 5.48.2 (November 2008)

Additional Functionality:

Bug Fixes:

New in version 5.48.1 (October 2008)

Bug Fixes:

New in version 5.48 (August 2008)

Ported WXP6 Level 2 decoder for MSG 31 to WXP 5

The WXP 5 decoder for Level 2 radar data was replaced with a backported version of the WXP 6 Level 2 decoder in order to handle the high res. MSG 31 format.

Added "unit" function to grdmath

This adds the ability to change units in grdmath.

grdmath filename unit new_units = new_filename

Additional Functionality:

Bug Fixes:

New in version 5.47 (May 2008)

Converted code to ANSI C with full function prototyping

Completed work to move the WXP 5 code to ANSI compliance and prototype each function. The -Wall parameter was added to compilation to extract an issues. This flagged about 20 small problems which were resolved.

New in version 5.46 (January 2008)

Added use of generic resources

WXP 6 was designed to use generic resources. Any resource specified in the resource file (*generic_resource: xxx) or the command line (-generic_resource=xxx) will be read into the resource database. Before, only a set list of resources specified by the program could be used.

Added generic paths to name convention file

WXP 6 has the ability to define generic resources in the command line and in some database files. The use of generic paths in the name convention file was backported to WXP 5. This means you can specify a generic path resource in the naming convention:

nids %{nids_path}/%i/%y%m%d%h%n_%e.nid

The resource path can be specified in the resource file (wxp.cfg) or the command line (-nids_path=xxx).

Support for Digital Hybrid Reflectivity (DHR) and Digital Storm Precipitation (DSP) 8 bit NIDS products

The rad program can now display these products. These are high resolution 8 bit products as opposed to the 4 bit (16 value) N0R and NTP products.

Additional Functionality:

Bug Fixes:

New in version 5.45 (July 2007)

Reworked the hurricane program to handle subtropical and extratropical storms

The hurricane program in the past ignored the subtropical and extratropical designators because it often happened after a storm was tropical. But now that these storms are being named from the beginning, hurricane now has to deal with a storm like Andrea that was never tropical in nature. So the hurricane program now has a storm type designator so that it can properly label each storm.

In addition, the hurricane program has an additional check to make sure eastern Pacific storms don't end up in the western Pacific directory. Finally, for simplicity, the northern Indian Ocean storms now go into a "n_indian" directory to match the other directory paths (such as e_pacific, s_pacific, s_indian).

Eventually, this program will be replaced with a WXP 6 equivalent.

Added support for EuMetSat LRIT data

The compression scheme the LRIT uses is a non-standard version of JPG. Thus to get the JPG API to read the files in correctly, a modified library must be used. This has now be incorporated into WXP and these compressed LRIT files can now be displayed. WXP has supported uncompressed LRIT files for several versions and support for GOES LRIT data is being considered (issues with proprietary compression scheme need to be resolved).

Additional Functionality:

Bug Fixes:

New in version 5.44 (May 2007)

Updated the GRIB decoder

The GRIB1 and GRIB2 decoders were reworked to streamline reading of data.  The problems involved losing track of the current position in the file and in some cases core dumping.

Added in support for GRIB2 data templates that support ensemble data. The templates include 1, 2, 5, 9, 11 and 12.

Added differentiation for ensemble mean and stdev fields.  Use ensmean[]var for mean and ensdev[]var for stdev fields.  The variable number is 19000vvv for mean and 19001vvv for stdev fields.

Changed ensemble member specification.  Control is 19300vvv.  Positive is 1932##vvv.  Negative is 194##vvv (used to be 193).

Added support for thinned grids in GRIB2.

Additional Functionality:

Bug Fixes:

New in version 5.43 (April 2007)

Updated AREA file decoder

The AREA file decoder was updated to handle many new AREA file types and navigation schemes.  Specifically, support for RECT, MERC, LAMB and MSAT AREA file navigations have been added.  Also, the MOLL projection code has been updated to handle the two types of MOLL projections specified in the AREA file documentation.

With the addition of angle based satellite navigation and elliptical earth, xsat can use its native georeferencing and not have to rely on the GVAR code.  This simplifies the navigation interface and eliminates some estimation of pixel spacing done in prior versions.

Additional Functionality:

Bug Fixes:

New in version 5.42 (February 2007)

Added new gridpoint plotting capabilities

In plot_param:   plt_skip=x:y (with y optional)  and plt_off=x:y
In variable:   sk=xy:xy=xy:sc=#  (mimic vector plotting)

Updated the GRIB2 decoder

Even though WXP 5 could read in simple GRIB2 products, it couldn't handle products with multiple grids.  Support was added to handle these multiple grid products.  Because of the way WXP 5 is designed, this addition break support for GRID products (WMO ASCII text version of GRIB).

Added limited support for LRIT data files

Even though WXP 6 has had this support for a while, it was added to the WXP 5 code base.  This is limited support for uncompressed products using the GOES navigation.  You can access these data using "-inp=lrit" from xsat.  This is primarily for support for JMA images and doesn't include GOES LRIT data since it uses a proprietary compression algorithm.

Additional Functionality:

Bug Fixes:

New in version 5.41 (September 2006)

Added processing for WXP v6 Grid and Image files

WXP v6 adds new functionality to grid and image files.  This update allows WXP 5 to read these files, not create them.

Added new mapplt plotting options

Added the ability to plot text, markers and range circles from the mapplt command line:

mapplt -pd=us mark:lat:lon:type  text:lat:lon:text  range:lat:lon:range

So from the command line, you can plot a marker at any lat,lon location.  The type is the standard types such as "+", "circle", "square", etc.  The text is plotted centered at the location.  The range circle is in nm.

Default resource file location

WXP will now look in default locations for the resource and license files.  If you put the resource file and license file in the "/home/wxp/etc" or "/usr/local/wxp/etc" directory (c:/wxp/etc for Windows), WXP will find them without having to set the wxpdefault environment variable.

Additional Functionality:

Bug Fixes:

New in version 5.40 (June 2006)

New GRIB header file format

This new format prefixes numbers with a single character: S - source, M - model number, G - grid number,  T - forecast time value, L - level type, H- level value, V - variable/parameter specification.

Added limited functionality for GeoTIFF GOES imagery

Even though a GeoTIFF decoder was added to WXP, it didn't handle many types of GeoTIFF imagery.  This version updates the GeoTIFF decoder to handle both big and little endian files as well as RLE compression of TIFF data.  Georeferencing support was extended to lat/lon projected TIFF imagery.  This will support GeoTIFF imagery produced by NESDIS.

Updates to NIDS storm attribute data

Additional Functionality:

Bug Fixes:

New in version 5.39 (January 2006)

New variable specification for ensemble probability grids

The ensemble grids use a different numbering scheme for the variable.  There are two types of ensemble grids that require special attention.  The mean and spread fields can be run with existing commands. 

USPLN lightning data decoding

The "uspln" format has been added to the light program.  Specify "-inp=uspln".

Additional functionality:

Bug Fixes:

New in version 5.38a (August 2005)

Mapplt additions

Added the xy: plotting of data from the command line.  You can specify "xy:3:-50:Text" to the command line to plot text in a specific location in projection coordinate (not lat lon).

GeoTIFF input into xsat

xsat can now read and display some GeoTIFF images.  Specify "tiff" for the input parameter.

Additional functionality:

Bug Fixes:

New in version 5.37a (March 2005)

Ingest additions

Added parameter "pan_id" so that the PAN ID number, before only stated in the ingest.bul file could be specified on the command line.  Also, fixed bug in PAN transmission that would cause PAN message to drop if a client somehow disconnected.

Bug Fixes:

Removed "SCALE: x y" debug message from GRIB decoder.

New in version 5.37 (February 2005)

GRIB2 additions

Added support for DRS templates 1,2 and 3 to handle NDFD grids.  Added support for DRS template 40 (same as 40000 for Jpeg2000 compression).  Changed the grid type specification for lat-lon grids to be more representative of the actual values.  Added support for "max" and "min" time ranges in GRIB2.

Bug Fixes:

New in version 5.36 (February 2005)

Updated ingest for DVB

The ingest program has been updated to accept packets directly from a DVB receiver.  Since this is not buffered, packet loss can occur but ingest is possible.

ingest msock:port=1201:host=

This initializes a multicast socket connection on port 1201, reading packets from host off NIC interface 10.0.02.  The last parameter is used if the multicast packets are coming from a second NIC card (interface is that card's IP address).

Updated ingest for GRIB2

The ingest program now can create header files for a subset of the GRIB2 products coming across NOAAPORT.  The program maps data from the product header to old GRIB1 parameter sets.  This is done with the aid of 3 files (new versions of these files must be downloaded):
The determination of a grid number is done through a formula that includes the projection, start lat, lon, horizontal number of gridpoints and horizontal grid size.  This replaces the grid number that was imbedded in the GRIB 1 products.  For example, 301226112 is the representation of the 218 grid.  30 is the projection (Lambert), 1 is the starting latitude (~10N), 22 is the starting longitude (~220E or 140W), 61 is the number of gridpoints in X (~610), 12 is the grid size in km.

Limited support for GRIB version 2

Support has been added for the GRIB version 2 products that are on NOAAPORT as of the start of 2005.  GRIB 2 is a complicated code which will require decoding on a case by case basis.  The parameter determination is done through the "grib2_var.lup" and "variable.lup" files. 

griblook will produce header files although there are still some bugs in the output.

Hurricane support for extended forecasts

Support is available in the hurricane program to decode forecasts out to 120 hours.

Support for NAM MOS data

The MOS decoders can now handle MOS data from the NAM (formerly ETA) model.  The model resource is "NAM" and "NAM_UA".

Bug Fixes:

Fixed a bug in the RCM decoder that faulted on reading in of the /SC parameter with no number attached.

Beta 6.0 programs

NOW the the C++ WXP library is nearing maturity, its time to start making some of the programs available.
The 6.0 library will have an API available along with a Perl module. 

New in version 5.32 (March 2004)

Added Level II Nexrad data display

The Level II data can be accessed using the "-inp=lev2" option.  To select which scan and parameter in the file, use the "variable" resource: 
The Level II decoder will handle uncompressed Level II archive data and the new bzip2 compressed files sent through the LDM.   The rad program will automatically sense which file type.

Added support for NCEP ensemble data (GRIB v1)

The GRIB decoder now reads the extended PDB to create a label for the ensemble grids. 
  0: Eta analysis for 0900Z 23 FEB 04-Surface Ens prob (%) CAPE above 500.00 J/kg
  1: Eta analysis for 0900Z 23 FEB 04-Surface Ens prob (%) CAPE above 1000.00 J/kg
  2: Eta analysis for 0900Z 23 FEB 04-Surface Ens prob (%) CAPE above 2000.00 J/kg
  3: Eta analysis for 0900Z 23 FEB 04-Surface Ens prob (%) CAPE above 3000.00 J/kg
  4: Eta analysis for 0900Z 23 FEB 04-Surface Ens prob (%) CAPE above 4000.00 J/kg
  5: Eta analysis for 0900Z 23 FEB 04-0-3000 m AG Ens prob (%) Helicity above 100.00 m^2/s^2
  6: Eta analysis for 0900Z 23 FEB 04-0-3000 m AG Ens prob (%) Helicity above 150.00 m^2/s^2
  0: Eta analysis for 0900Z 23 FEB 04-Surface Ens mean CAPE (J/kg)
1: Eta analysis for 0900Z 23 FEB 04-0-3000 m AG Ens mean Helicity (m^2/s^2)
2: Eta analysis for 0900Z 23 FEB 04-0-30 mb AG Ens mean Parcel lifted index (dK)
3: Eta analysis for 0900Z 23 FEB 04-Surface Ens mean Convective inhibition (J/kg)
4: Eta analysis for 0900Z 23 FEB 04-Sea level Ens mean Pressure (Pa)

Additional functionality:

Bug Fixes:

New in version 5.31 (December 2003)

Added GFS MOS support

The AVN and MRF MOS data have been replaced with GFS equivalents.  This changes how the MOS data is extraced from the file.  This corrects that problem.  To access the old AVN MOS, use "-mo=gfs".  To access to old MRF MOS, use "-mo=gfsx".  The 24 hour snowfall values are also available under the variable "snwfl24".

Pixel value cutoff support for XSAT

This allows image files for winter mosaics to be displayed using pixel averaging.  For example, the winter mosaic has cutoff values at 15 and 25.  Values below 15 are for rain.  Values below 25 are for mixed and values at or above 25 are for snow.  If this is not specified, a gradient will appear.  Say you are going from 20 Dbz rain to 20 Dbz mixed.  The values will be averaged between 5 and 19 giving all the colors inbetween.  The cutoff eliminates this by suspending averaging around cutoff values.  

Also, there is the concept of a cutoff base value.  This is the 0 value for the mosaic.  For most mosaics, this is the 0 pixel value.  But for some, 0 is used for no data and 0 Dbz is actually 1.  Specifying the cutoff base allows pixel averaging for mixed and snow to act like rain where the edges gradually diminish to 0.  To use this, specify "-pp=cutoff:1:15:25".  
      cutoff image

GRIB support for raw files

To handle raw GRIB files like those from the NOGAPS model, a grib option has been added to contour, griblook, grbcalc. This forces the interpretation of the file to be a GRIB file.  The NOGAPS GRIB files can be confused as WXP grid files by these programs.  To implement this, add "-inp=grib" to the command line.

Added option for loop title

In newer versions of the gnome window manager, there is a memory leak surrounding the title of a window.  The loop mode for WXP graphics program will change the window title reflecting which frame it is showing.  This invokes the memory leak and can with time exhaust the system of memory.   To display the loop frame titling, use "-pp=nolooptitle".

Additional functionality:

Bug Fixes:

New in version 5.30 (July 2003) 

Support for compressed NOAAPORT satellite imagery

Xsat has been updated to support the new compressed satellite imagery on NOAAPORT.  NOAAPORT is using a simple zlib compression scheme similar to that used in the NIDS data.  Since binary data is difficult to inquire format from, xsat has added a awipz data type specification:

    xsat -inp=awipz

This can be added to the wxp.cfg file as a default type "xsat.input: awipz".  Xsat will decompress the images on the fly.

Added transparency to GIF output

The WXP graphics programs can create GIF images with the transparent color index set.  This is done by specifying "-pp=gif_trans".  This will set the transparent color to whatever you set the background color to be in the image.  

Added track plot to NIDS output

The rad program can display estimated tracks for storms using the storm attribute table in the composite reflectivity data.  This is an arrow with hash marks representing estimated location of storm at 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes.  Select "-va=track" on the rad program.

Additional Functionality:

Bug Fixes:

New in version 5.29 (May 2003)

NOTE: Linux version compiled on RedHat 7.0

As of this version, the Linux version will be compiled using the 2.1 glibc libraries available with RedHat 7.0.  In previous versions, WXP was compiled on RedHat 6.0.

Support for cygwin

There are new binaries for cygwin.  cygwin is a Unix emulator for Window and uses gcc and XFree86 for its interface.   cygwin does resolve many of the Windows issues with WXP like overlays with wxploop, transparent dithers, background processing, etc.  It in essence behaves just like the Unix version.  There are some outstanding issues.  

MacOSX version using Apple X11 distribution

The Mac version of WXP is now compiled against the Apple X11 (even though beta) distribution.  This may not work with the Darwin X11 distribution.

New model source in header files

In order to separate the model definitions and differences in parameter definitions, the ingest program will generate header files with a source designator.  For example, ECMWF model data will have "98:203" as the grid type.  This will also appear in the PAN messages.  griblook will also generate header files with this designator.  To disable this, use the "-pa=nosrc" parameter.  

XML decoder output

sacvt, smcvt anduacvt both output XML files.  Use "-ou=xml" to specify XML output.   The append option won't work at this time. The DTDs are available at http://wxp.unisys.com/wxp/xml.  The XML files can't be read by WXP but that should be available in the next version.

Additional Functionality:

Bug Fixes:

New in version 5.28 (Mar 2003)

Added Eta MOS plotting

Decoding and plotting of Eta MOS was added to "fouswx", "focalc", "fo_parse" and "statlog".  The model specification is "-mo=eta".

Updated AVN and MRF MOS plotting

The MRF MOS (-mo=mrf) was updated to plotting mean temp and temperature deviation.  The variables are "nmaxt", "dmaxt", "nmint" and "dmint".  Additional AVN parameters were added.  POP12 can be accessed for intermediate hours.

MOS plotting uses 4 letter site names

The default is now to use 4 letter site names for MOS plotting.  It is required to update the "mos.cty" database to the 4 letter IDs before using the new version of "fouswx" and "focalc".  The new file is available at:  http://wxp.unisys.com/etc/mos.cty.

Additional Functionality:

Bug Fixes:

New in version 5.27 (Jan 2003)

Added new compressed image file format

Xsat can now create image files where the image is zlib compressed.   It can also read them.  This functionality will be added to the radar mosaic program as well.  To save the output as compressed, specify "-ou=imgz".

Added PNG image support to xsat

Xsat can now read GINI formatted files that have imbedded data encoded in PNG format.  This is for the radar mosaics from Gempak.

Added rotated Tephigram

Some use a Tephigram where the theta and temperature lines are horizontal and vertical.  This is essentially a Tephigram rotated 45 degrees.  The plot type is "-pl=rteph".

Additional Functionality:

Bug Fixes

Added in version 5.26 (Sept 2002)

Tephigram added to uacalplt

To use tephigram, specify "-pl=teph".  There are some functions not yet available including specifying a domain for the tephigram and zooming.

Full PNG support

WXP can now read and write PNG files.  Before it could only output PNG files.  PNG support is now part of Windows programs.  There is a fix in the PNG support for Solaris.

Added "lower" to prfplt

This allows prfplt to plot lower atmosphere (below 8000m) with data plotted at 250m increments (data resolution) rather than 500m.  Specify "-pp=lower" with prfplt.

Bug Fixes

Added in recent versions (5.23-5.25)

Socket support added to wxploop/loopset

For operating systems that don't support SysV message queues, wxploop and loopset can communicate via TCP sockets.  To enable this, use "-pa=qtype=sock" on both wxploop and loopset.  This is the default on MacOSX and Windows.

Full Mac OS-X support

WXP now runs on OS-X using an X server package like XDarwin.  The wxploop and loopset programs work using socket messaging rather than message queues.

Added loopset to Windows (win32) programs

Wxploop is now interactive using socket messaging.  This will allow windows users to take advantage of more of wxploop's features.

Added standard output to Windows graphics programs

NOTE: Some Windows scripts may not work!!

Prior to 5.025, Windows graphics program would not display output to stdout, thus requiring all the parameters to the program to be specified via the command line.  There was no text output for calculations such as with uacalplt.    Additionally, the programs were forced into batch mode.  Now, the menus will appear and text output is available.  This means some Windows scripts will fail since they assume the program is in batch mode and left out some parameters on the command line.  Before, you could do:

sfcwx -re=at -va=all

But now, this will leave prompts for filename and device and your scripts won't work.   You will have to add the extra parameters to the command line:

sfcwx -cu=la -re=at -va=all -de=d

Added support for TANC projected AREA files

This enables xsat to read AREA files from the ADDE server that have been converted from NOAAPORT GINI format.

Added transparent images to Windows

This enables the use of overlay images as maps on Windows.

mapplt -re=at -de=d -pp=gif:./at_map.gif
rad -inp=rcm -cu=la -re=at -mf=+im:./at_map.gif -va=all -de=d

Reenabled WXP ASCII metafile output

Output to ASCII metafile is the default rather than CGM.   I had not confirmed the CGM output worked so its now only available with "-de=m,file.meta,cgm".

sfcwx -cu=la -re=at -va=all -de=m,../meta/test.meta
mapplt ../meta/test.meta -re=at -dr=data -de=d

Added true latitude to Stereographic projection

You can specify the true latitude for a PS projection as: -pd=ps:90:-95:60,46,-92,1.4with the third parameter (60) being the true latitude.

Added metafile plotting to wxploop

You can specify the command "mf filename.meta" within loopset to plot a metafile with wxploop.  This is handy for Windows systems that don't have wxploop overlay capabilities.

Bugs Fixed

Other Additions since WXP 5.0

AVN and MRF MOS plotting

Support has been added for these MOS data types.  The model parameters are "-mo=avn" for the AVN data and "-mo=mrf" for the new MRF format.  This is supported in fouswx, focalc and statlog .  

NOTE: for NOAAPORT, the AVN MOS data comes in every 6 hours.  The ingest.bul file should be updated to:
FO               P>>    %D/data/%py%pm%pd%ph_mod.wmo %D/data/%py%pm%pd%ph_mod.hdr
FEUS5 P>> %D/data/%py%pm%pd%ph_mod.wmo %D/data/%py%pm%pd%ph_mod.hdr
FEUS2 P>> %D/data/%py%pm%pd%ph_mod.wmo %D/data/%py%pm%pd%ph_mod.hdr
FEX P>> %D/data/%py%pm%pd%ph_mod.wmo %D/data/%py%pm%pd%ph_mod.hdr
FE(PA|AK|CN) P>> %D/data/%py%pm%pd%ph_mod.wmo %D/data/%py%pm%pd%ph_mod.hdr

New Wind Chill Formula

The new wind chill formula is accessible with the "wchill2" variable.   This has been added to programs: sfcwx, sfccalc, statlog , fouswx, focalc, grdmath, statlog, and sa_parse .  Some examples:
sfcwx -cu=la -re=mw -va=wchill2 -de=d

sa_parse -cu=la -if=cvt -pa=pvar,city -va=id,temp:F,wchill2:F -id=st:PA
NOTE: For use with programs like grbcalc, it is recommended to download the new .var files from the web site: http://weather.unisys.com/wxp/etc.  This will give you access to the new wind chill with the proper units:
wchill2 Wind_chill2          0 wchill2(:2m_ag:+temp,:10m_ag:wspd) [F]
In order to get the proper label, the wchill2 parameters needs to be added to the variable.lup file:
367 wchill2 Wind Chill2 Temperature
For the wchill program, the option is "-pa=wctemp2".

Profiler Plotting from NOAAPORT

Data: There are some changes you need to make on the NOAAPORT system, you need to change the prf line in the ingest.bul file:
IUPT0          P>>       %D/data/%y%m%d%h_prf.bfr
It says IU right now. This keeps non-profiler data from getting into the file otherwise, the program faults. Once this is done, go to /usr/prodman/bin and run "ing-noaa nwstg refresh" to update the ingestor.

prfplt Program:
To run this on Windows or Unix:
prfplt -cu=la -id=xxxxx -va=wbrb
The xxxxx is the station ID. Available stations are:
74433 74551 74731 74648 74753 74466 74533 74445 74357 74541 74546 74662 74752
74735 74431 74341 74440 74530 74647 74649 74629 74550 74437 74449 74556 74630
74640 74542 74750 74769

New Smoothed Front Plotting with Barbs

The new front plotting will smooth the fronts and add barbs:
sfcwx -if=front -re=us -de=d -cu=la -pp=barb

Forecast Front Plotting

You can plot forecasted fronts (FSUS2).  The additional line to the ingest.bul file is:
FSUS2_           P>>    %D/data/%y%m%d%3h_frf.wmo
and the "name_conv" file:
frf_dat       %D/%y%m%d%12h_frf.wmo
and to run the program:
sfcwx -inp=forfront -cu=la -ft=24 -re=us -de=d

PNG Graphic File output (Unix Only)

You can save output to PNG files (-pp=png:output.png).  At this time, there is no PNG input into WXP.  For wxploop the command is " set out png" and then the output will be a PNG file.

Drop Shadowing for Text

You can add shadowing to the text with "-pp=shadow:4".  The parameter is the depth of the shadow.  At this time, the shadow is always black.

Automatic Refresh Plots

There is limited refresh support for radar (NIDS/Mosaic) and satellite plotting "-pp=refresh".  This will tell the program to update the image when new data has arrived.  

Miscellaneous Changes