WXP version 5
Program Reference



hpglcat - HPGL concatenation program


hpglcat [options...] [file...]


Options Description
-h Lists help information.
-port Specifies to print plot in portrait mode.
-land Specifies to print in landscape mode.
-pcl Specifies to add PCL header (default)
-lj Specifies to rotate page for laserjet printers
-lwidth width Specifies the default line width in picas.
-rot rotation Specifies the rotation angle for the plot in degrees.
-output file Specifies output print file or device (default standard output). 
file Input HPGL stub


This program adds HPGL header and trailer information onto files to prepare them for printing. This is used when the HPGL append option has been specified with the device resource. The HPGL header contains PCL commands to switch into HPGL mode plus initialization commands for the printer. The HPGL stub is now written to the output and then the HPGL trailer which has a page end and the PCL sequence to switch from HPGL back to PCL. Now the file is ready for printing or plotting.  Obviously, only one header and trailer can be contained in a particular HPGL file for a WXP image.

If no output filename is given, hpglcat reads from standard input. Otherwise, hpglcat will read each file from the command line, printing the header before the first file and placing the trailer after the last file. The output of hpglcat is standard output unless the output parameter is specified or the wxphp_out environment variable is set:

   setenv wxphp_out HPGL_file
   setenv wxphp_out '|program'

The output parameter will also recognize the output types along with "-" for output to standard output.


Last updated June 8, 1998