WXP version 5
Program Reference



scour - File deletion program


scour [options...] [path...] [limit...]


Command Line Description
-h Lists help information.
-list Lists the files in the directory
-verb Prints information (default: no output)
+name Sorts files in alphabetical order (A-Z)
-name Sorts files in reverse alphabetical order (Z-A)
+size Sorts files in size order (0-9)
-size Sorts files in reverse size order (9-0)
+date Sorts files in age order (jan-dec)
-date Sorts files in reverse age order (dec-jan)
path Path to scour (default: current directory)
limit Limit of scour (default: no scour performed)
  • size - size in bytes to scour to
  • ksize=size - size in kilobytes to scour to
  • msize=size - size in megabytes to scour to
  • age=age - age in days to scour to


This program is used to delete old data files from the ingested data directories to prevent the hard disk from filling up. This program can be used to view directory information if the limit is not specified on the command line.  If a limit is specified, the program will delete the oldest files until the limit is reached either by reducing the size of the directory to a specified byte count or removing all files older than a certain age. To insure scour is run, it is recommended that it be installed into the cron list for the user that is running the ingestor (to prevent permission conflicts). Here is a sample crontab listing:

35 * * * * /home/wxp/bin/scour -verb /home/wxp/data msize=300
36 * * * * /home/wxp/bin/scour -verb /home/wxp/text msize=150
37 * * * * /home/wxp/bin/scour -verb /home/wxp/model msize=500
38 * * * * /home/wxp/bin/scour -verb /home/wxp/convert msize=25
38 * * * * /home/wxp/bin/scour -verb /home/wxp/sat msize=500 


scour /usr/wxp/data msize=400

This will delete the oldest files in the directory until the size of the directory is 400 megabytes.

scour /usr/wxp/convert age=10

This will remove all files which are greater than 10 days old.


Last updated June 8, 1998