shefcvt - SHEF data conversion program
shefcvt [parameters...] filename
Command Line | Resource | Default | Description |
-h | help | No | Lists basic help information. |
-df=filename | default | .wxpdef | Sets the name of the resource file. |
-na=name | name | shefcvt | Specifies the name used in resource file parsing. |
-ba | batch | No | Run program in batch mode |
-me=level | message | out2 | Specifies level of messages to be displayed
-fp=filepath | file_path | current directory | Specifies location of database files. |
-dp=datapath | data_path | current directory | Specifies the location (path) of the input raw data files. This is the location where the ingest program has saved the data files. This may be modified in the name convention file. |
-rp=rawpath | raw_path | current directory | Specifies the location (path) of the output raw data files. This may be modified in the name convention file. |
-nc=name_conv | name_conv | name_conv | The name convention file specifies how files are named in WXP. This sets which name convention file to use. |
-if=in_file | in_file | shef_dat | Specifies the input file name tag. The default is shef_dat, but it can be modified to any value in the filename convention file. A full name convention can be specified as well. |
-of=out_file[,out...] | out_file | shef_raw | The out_file resource specifies the output file name tag. The default is shef_raw but it can be modified to any value in the filename convention file. A full name convention can be specified as well. |
-pf=file_param | file_param | User prompt Batch: use |
This specifies how to treat files that exist:
-cu=[hour|la] | current | None | This specifies to use current data files. The current filename is based on the name convention. An optional hour can be specified for older data. If la is specified, the program will search back to find the most recent available file. |
-ho=hour | hour | None | This resource specifies the exact hour that a data file is valid for. This locks in the start hour for a multi-file sequence. |
-pa=param[,param...] | parameter | None | Extra parameters:
filename[#seq] | filename | None User Pompt Batch: current=la |
The name of the raw data file to be converted. An optional sequence number can be added to designate the time for non-WXP files. |
The SHEF decoding program will search for and decode SHEF reports from SRUS products. The decoder takes SHEF data which is essentially tagged numbers and converts it to a raw file format which is compatible the WXP. A sample of SHEF data are:
** SRUS23 KTOP 272358 *** SRUS23 KTOP 272358 FSD .A HLTK1 1227 C DH18/TA 17/TX 36/TN 17 ** SRUS51 KWBC 280001 *** SRUS51 KWBC 280001 ^NMCRRATX3 : && HADS TPR REPORT TPR3 FOR LBB .B NMC 1228 DH0001/PCIRG/PPKRG/HGIRG/HPIRG EART2 DD272330/16.59/ .00// KNBT2 DD272130/12.00/ .00/2.85/ NLKT2 DD272130/9.74/ .00// TKLT2 DD272330/10.33/ .00/4.23/ BILT2 DD272130/7.81/ .00// STST2 DD272130/12.93/ .00// BCPT2 DD272130/12.41/ .00// MMCT2 DD272121/10.14/ .00/ .01/ TKST2 DD272130/16.03/ .00/6.66/ TBRT2 DD272130/12.81/ .00//1928.99 .END ** SRUS53 KWBC 280001 *** SRUS53 KWBC 280001 ^NMCRRAMN : && HADS TPR REPORT TPR1 FOR MSP .B NMC 1228 DH0001/HGIRG/PPKRG/TAIRG/HPIRG/HTIRG/PCIRG ATKM5 DD2721/7.60///// RKFM5 DD2722/5.30///// ANKM5 DD2723/7.64///// SSPM5 DD2722/87.01///// GTBW3 DD2723/4.75///// SCFW3 DD2722/2.18/////
These data are decoded into a raw file with a name based on the shef_raw name convention. The output raw file from the above data would be:
WXPRAW 0Z 28 DEC 93 SHEF Data HLTK1 TA:17 TX:36 TN:17 EART2 PCIRG:16.59 PPKRG:.00 KNBT2 PCIRG:12.00 PPKRG:.00 HGIRG:2.85 NLKT2 PCIRG:9.74 PPKRG:.00 TKLT2 PCIRG:10.33 PPKRG:.00 HGIRG:4.23 BILT2 PCIRG:7.81 PPKRG:.00 STST2 PCIRG:12.93 PPKRG:.00 BCPT2 PCIRG:12.41 PPKRG:.00 MMCT2 PCIRG:10.14 PPKRG:.00 HGIRG:.01 TKST2 PCIRG:16.03 PPKRG:.00 HGIRG:6.66 TBRT2 PCIRG:12.81 PPKRG:.00 HPIRG:1928.99 ATKM5 HGIRG:7.60 RKFM5 HGIRG:5.30 ANKM5 HGIRG:7.64 SSPM5 HGIRG:87.01 GTBW3 HGIRG:4.75 SCFW3 HGIRG:2.18
As can be seen, the column headings on the .B reports and data descriptors on the .A reports become prefixes on the data saved to the raw file. Individual data types can be extracted by using either mapplt or rawmath.
If the message level is set to out3, some decoded information is printed to the screen:
SHEFA .A HLTK1 1227 C DH18/TA 17/TX 36/TN 17 ID: HLTK1 DATE: 1227 ZONE: C TIME: H 18 TA-Temperature: 17 F TX-Maximum temperature: 36 F TN-Minimum temperature: 17 F SHEFB .B NMC 1228 DH0001/PCIRG/PPKRG/HGIRG/HPIRG ID: NMC DATE: 1228 TIME: H 0001 TYPE: PCIRG TYPE: PPKRG TYPE: HGIRG TYPE: HPIRG ID: EART2 TIME: D 272330 PCIRG-Precipitation accumulated: 16.59 in PARAM: PPKRG .00 ID: KNBT2 TIME: D 272130 PCIRG-Precipitation accumulated: 12.00 in PARAM: PPKRG .00 HGIRG-River stage: 2.85 ft ID: NLKT2 TIME: D 272130 PCIRG-Precipitation accumulated: 9.74 in PARAM: PPKRG .00 ID: TKLT2 TIME: D 272330 PCIRG-Precipitation accumulated: 10.33 in PARAM: PPKRG .00 HGIRG-River stage: 4.23 ft
shefcvt -cu=la
will convert the latest SHEF file and create a raw file.
To plot SHEF data, mapplt is set up so that it can pick a variable and display it.
mapplt -if=12112296.shef-HGIRG -re=40,-86,.3 -cf=shef.cty \,
Also rawmath can extract a field from the raw file.
rawmath ext 12112296.shef-HGIRG = - -fm=5.2
Would yield a file such as:
WXPRAW 12Z 22 NOV 96 SHEF Data-HGIRG KNBT2 2.72 TKLT2 6.17 MMCT2 0.01 TKST2 6.61 ATKM5 7.17 RKFM5 4.73 ANKM5 4.38 ...
Rawmath has the capability of creating time series of SHEF data. For example, rawmath could be used to create a new raw file with:
rawmath series 12111996.shef-HGIRG:NOV19 12112096.shef-HGIRG:NOV20 \ 12112196.shef-HGIRG:NOV21 12112296.shef-HGIRG:NOV22 = - -id=LAFI3 \ -fm=5.2 "SHEF-HGIRG for LAFI3"
Would yield:
WXPRAW 12Z 19 NOV 93 SHEF-HGIRG NOV19 15.43 NOV20 13.75
NOV21 11.05 NOV22 9.39
The mapplt program will create a time-value plot:
rawmath series 12111996.shef-HGIRG:NOV19 \ 12112096.shef-HGIRG:NOV20 \ 12112196.shef-HGIRG:NOV21 \ 12112296.shef-HGIRG:NOV22 = - \ -id=LAFI3 -fm=4.2 "SHEF-HGIRG for LAFI3" | \ mapplt -pd=cat,0,5,2,2,3,15 -if=std \ -pp=line,mark:1,lalo:1:1 -de=d
This uses the series function to extract HGIRG data from the SHEF raw files. This is labeled by day for the station LAFI3.
- shef.cty - the SHEF station location database file
Last updated Sept 26, 1997