WXP version 5
Program Reference




ua_parse - Upper air data display program


ua_parse [parameters...] filename


Command Line Resource Default Description
-h help No Lists basic help information.
-df=filename default .wxpdef Sets the name of the resource file.
-na=name name ua_parse Specifies the name used in resource file parsing.
-ba batch No Run program in batch mode
-me=level message out2 Specifies level of messages to be displayed
  • file information - mess
  • significant and mandatory sounding data - out1a, out1b
  • standard sounding parameters and indices - out1c, out1d
  • parcel information - out2a, out2b
  • wind parameters - out2c
  • wind level data - out3a, out3b
  • wind/storm layer data - out3c
-fp=filepath file_path current directory Specifies location of database files.  
-dp=datapath data_path current directory Specifies the location (path) of the input raw data files. This may be modified in the name convention file.
-cp=conpath con_path current directory Specifies the location (path) of the input surface converted data files. This may be modified in the name convention file.
-rp=rawpath raw_path current directory Specifies the location of the output raw files generated by the program. These files will not be generated unless the out_file resource is specified and the output is plotted data.
-nc=name_conv name_conv name_conv The name convention file specifies how files are named in WXP. This sets which name convention file to use.
-if=in_file in_file upa_cvt Specifies the input file name tag. The default is upa_cvt, but it can be modified to any value in the filename convention file. A full name convention can be specified as well.
-of=out_file[,out...] out_file upa_snd Specifies what type of raw sounding file to create. By default, no output file is generated when the program. This specifies an output file name tag. The default is upa_snd. A full filename can be specified which can contain name convention tags.
-cu=[hour|la] current None This specifies to use current data files. The current filename is based on the name convention. An optional hour can be specified for older data. If la is specified, the program will search back to find the most recent available file.
-ho=hour hour None This resource specifies the exact hour that a data file is valid for. This locks in the start hour for a multi-file sequence.
-id=identifier identifier None Specifies the station to use in the program.Used to plot a specific observation. If not specified, all stations will be plotted.
-pp=param[,param...] plot_param None Specifies additional plotting parameters. See the plot_param resource for more details.
filename[#seq] filename None
User Pompt
Batch: current=la
The name of the upper air converted data file to be plotted. An optional sequence number can be added to designate the time for non-WXP files.


This program displays upper air sounding data. The input to the program is a upper air converted file produced by the uacvt programs.

The programs starts off by prompting the user for input converted file name.  The user may specify the input file either via the command line of through the current resource. The input naming convention is specified by the upa_cvt tag but this can be changed with the in_file resource.

Next, the user enters a station identifier. A list of available stations from the converted file is displayed. The stations are listed by their 3/4 letter IDs and not the 5 digit WMO number for ease of selection. Once the station is selected, the program prints out sounding information, and standard sounding parameters and indices.

Text Output

The first section is the station location information which is printed at message level out1a:

Date:0000Z 30 SEP 97
Station: ILX
WMO ident:  74560
Latitude:   40.15
Longitude: -89.33
Elevation: 178.00

The next section is the raw sounding data. This is a merged set of mandatory and significant level data.  Additional computations are performed.  Here is a list of the columns printed (all printed at mess level out1a [see red text] unless specified)

     mb     m     C     C    %   C     C  deg knt   K     K     K     K    g/kg
  0 1000    -1                                                                 
SFC  980   178  26.4   6.4  28 20.0  14.7 280  19 301.3 302.4 288.6 319.7  6.15
  2  925   678  22.2   2.2  27 20.0  11.3 280  47 302.0 302.9 287.6 316.6  4.85
  3  850  1403  15.2  -0.8  33 16.0   7.1 280  46 302.1 302.8 287.1 315.0  4.24
  4  700  3001   0.0  -6.0  64  6.0  -2.6 295  50 302.5 303.1 286.5 313.2  3.49

The next section displays standard sounding parameters and indices. Most of the information is printed at message level out1d except for thickness, lifted, Showalter, total totals and K indices which is at message level out1c (red text).

Sounding variables and indices
1000-500 mb thick:      5631.00 m
Freezing level:          700.00 mb =  3001.00 m =  9845.68 ft
Wetbulb zero:            740.60 mb =  2536.94 m =  8323.18 ft
Precipitable water:        0.65 inches
Sfc-500 mean rel hum:     36.73 %
Est. max temperature:     27.28 C =   81.10 F
Sfc-Lift cond lev (LCL): 729.89 mb =  2656.89 m =  8716.74 ft T: 3.27 C
700-500 lapse rate:        4.68 C/km
ThetaE index:             11.23 C Layer  925.0- 598.0 mb
Conv cond level (CCL):   689.45 mb =  3121.77 m = 10241.90 ft
  Mean mixing ratio:       5.11 g/kg
  Conv temperature:       27.64 C =   81.75 F
Cap Strength:              3.86 C
Lifted Index:              5.67 C Risk: None
Lifted Index @300 mb:      7.03 C
Lifted Index @700 mb:      0.59 C
Showalter Index:           6.96 C Risk: None
Total Totals Index:       39.00 C Risk: None
  Vertical Totals Index:  27.50 C
  Cross Totals Index:     11.50 C
K Index:                  20.70   Risk: 20-40 % chance of thunderstorms
Sweat Index:             178.00   Risk: None
Energy Index:              1.12   Risk: None

The next section involves a parcel trajectory. The parcel is taken from some initial condition and raised vertically to the top of the sounding. The default parcel uses a 100 mb mean layer above the surface. The parcel type can be changed with the par plot parameter:


Temperature and dewpoint are optional. If not specified, the sounding temperature
and dewpoint are used.

Type   Pres   Temp  Dew
pressure level   pres  temp   dew
surface level   sfc   temp dew
max temperature   maxt   --   --
pressure layer   layer   thick   --

The data are printed at message level out2b except for CAPE, convective inhibition and cap strength which is printed at level out2a (red text).

Parcel Indices
Parcel: using 100 mb layer
CAPE (B+):                10.89 J/kg
Max Up Vert Vel:           4.67 m/s
Conv Inhibition (B-):     30.45 J/kg
Cap Strength:              5.49 C
Lift Cond Lev (LCL):     696.21 mb =  3044.15 m =  9987.25 ft
Lev Free Conv (LFC):     681.21 mb =  3217.42 m = 10555.70 ft
Equ Level (EL):          631.21 mb =  3818.50 m = 12527.73 ft
B at Equ Level:            7.84 J/kg
Max Parcel Lev (MPL):    611.21 mb =  4071.09 m = 13356.44 ft

The next section displays significant wind level data. Storm relative winds are computed based on a mean storm motion. This is computed using the mean wind of the lower 6km of the atmosphere. The storm direction is deflected 30 deg clockwise and the speed is 75% of the 6km mean speed. The output is at message level out3a (red text) except for the storm relative winds which is at out3b.

Wind level data
   Storm motion: 325 at  43 knt
                   TRUE/GROUND REL   |     STORM REL
 LEV   P    H    DIR SPD   U     V   | DIR SPD   U     V
       mb   m        knt     m/s     |     knt     m/s
  0   980   178  280  19  18.7  -3.3 | 170  32  -5.6  31.9 
  1   966   305  280  30  29.5  -5.2 | 190  30   5.3  30.0 
  2   932   610  275  46  45.8  -4.0 | 215  38  21.6  31.2 
  3   925   678  280  47  46.3  -8.2 | 219  35  22.0  27.0 

The next section is wind parameters and indices. This is printed at message level out2d except for mean winds, storm direction, helicity and energy-helicity index which are at level out2c (red text)

Wind Parameters
Mean winds (0-6000m):            295.4 at   57.0 knts
Storm direction:                 325.4 at   42.8 knts
Shear (0-3000m)              pos:    2.6 neg:    4.7 tot:    7.3 10-3/s
Storm rel Dir Shear (0-3000m):      69.6 deg
Storm rel helicity (0-3000m) pos:  310.7 neg:   -7.0 tot:  303.7 m^2/s^2
                             ave:  101.2 10^-3 m/s^2 rel:   0.84
Storm rel vorticity (0-3000m) horiz:    8.0 stream:    6.7 10^-3/s
Energy-Hel index:          0.02
Bulk Rich Number:          0.13
Bulk Shear:               85.84 m/s

The next section shows storm layer parameters.  All of this information is printed at message level out3c.

Storm Parameters
Depth  Mean    Inflow|    Shear      |           Helicity           | Vorticity
 AGL  Dir Spd Dir Spd|  Pos  Neg  Tot|  Pos   Neg   Tot   Ave   Rel |  Hor Strm
  m       knt     knt|     10^-3/s   |       m^2/s^2     m/s^2      | 10^-3/s
 500  278  36 200  32|  0.0 28.8 28.8|225.6   0.0 225.6  451.2  1.00| 29.7 29.6
1000  279  41 210  33|  0.0 14.0 14.0|225.6  -7.0 218.6  218.6  0.94| 15.3 14.4
1500  280  43 213  33|  0.9  9.3 10.2|229.6  -7.0 222.6  148.4  0.88| 11.1  9.8
2000  281  44 215  33|  1.1  7.0  8.1|249.4  -7.0 242.5  121.2  0.89|  9.0  7.9
2500  282  45 217  32|  1.7  5.6  7.3|280.2  -7.0 273.2  109.3  0.89|  8.0  7.1
3000  284  45 219  31|  2.6  4.7  7.3|310.7  -7.0 303.7  101.2  0.84|  8.0  6.7
4000  289  47 225  28|  2.8  4.6  7.3|351.2  -7.0 344.3   86.1  0.75|  7.9  6.0
5000  294  51 237  26|  3.3  4.6  7.9|458.4  -7.0 451.4   90.3  0.73|  8.5  6.2
6000  295  57 248  29|  2.7  5.6  8.4|458.4-100.4 358.0   59.7  0.50|  9.0  4.5


   ua_parse -cu=la -id=ILX -de=d

This displays sounding data for ILX.



Last updated Sept 29, 1997