Text Output
There are several types of text output from programs.
Surface Data
There are 4 formats for surface data output:
- raw - this prints the raw undecoded data:
KBIV 070242Z AUTO 13006KT 5SM -RA BR SCT015 15/15 A2995 RMK AO2
P0002 TSNO
- pln - this prints a single line of decoded output:
ID TIME T TD RH DIR SPD GST ALT SLP VIS CIL COV WX MAX MIN PR6 PR24 SC KLNP 0240 52 43 71 150 4 002 10 CLR K4BK 2347 69 52 54 310 10 114 30 CLR 72 59
- plns - this is a 2 line output of decoded output plus an optional third line for
ID Tp Time Vis PWx SLPres T Td WD-WS WG Alt PT Max Min CHt CCv CHt CCv CHt CCv CHt CCv CHt CCv L:M:H Rn3 Rn6 Rn12 Rn24 SC PATL SP 0335 10.0 64 51 290- 4 29.58 43 SCT : : COMMENT: AO1 PAEH SP 0335 10.0 49 43 340- 4 29.66 6 SCT : : COMMENT: AO1
- psyn - this prints out a single line of decoded output setup for synoptic data:
ID Cht Cv Vis PWx SLPres T Td WD-WS WG Te PT Rn6 Rn24 SC L:M:H KSLC 250 F 15.0 1004.7 68 58 280- 7
- psimp - this prints out a single line of decoded data more appropriate for
general use:
ID Temp Dew Winds Press Clouds Prec Weather F F deg knt mb 100ft cov in MGGT 64 63 360 at 14 ------ --- ---- heavy drizzle MGGT 64 63 360 at 14 ------ --- ---- heavy drizzle PAWR 55 46 90 at 3 1024.0 --- ---- PASD 46 39 50 at 5 ------ --- ----
- pfull - this is a multi-line output per station more appropriate for general use:
Data for: KHOU ----------------------------------- Report time: 0450 Z Temperature: 82 F = 27.5 C Dewpoint: 78 F = 25.3 C Winds: 160 deg at 6 knt Altimeter setting: 29.85 in Hg Sea level pressure: 1010.8 mb Clouds:level 1: 1500 feet few level 2: 2500 feet scattered Visibility: 10.00 miles Heat index: 89.5 F
Column headings include:
- ID - Station identifier
- Tp - Type of report (SA,RS,SP)
- Time - Time of the report in GMT
- Vis - Visibility in miles
- PWx - Present weather (RW-F for example)
- SLP/SLPres - Sea level pressure in mb
- T - Temperature in F
- Td - Dewpoint in F
- DIR/WD - Wind direction
- SPD/WS - Wind speed (separated from direction by a hyphen)
- GST/WG - Gust data (left blank if none reported)
- Alt - Altimeter setting in inches of Hg
- PT - Pressure tendency in standard coded form (310 for example)
- PR6/Rn6 - 3 or 6 hour precipitation in inches (separated from PT by a colon)
- PR24/Rn24 - 24 hour precipitation in inches
- Te - Extreme temperature in F
- Max - maximum temperature in F
- Min - minimum temperature in F
- SC - Snow cover in inches
- CIL/CHt - Cloud ceiling height data
- COV/Cv/CCv - Cloud coverage data for each cloud level as text "SCT" or eighths "1/8"
- L, M, H - Low, middle and high cloud type information (separated by colons)
Upper Air Sounding Output
The first section is the station location information which is printed at lessage level out1a:
Date:0000Z 30 SEP 97 Station: ILX WMO ident: 74560 Latitude: 40.15 Longitude: -89.33 Elevation: 178.00
The next section is the raw sounding data. This is a merged set of mandatory and significant level data. Additional computations are performed. Here is a list of the columns printed (all printed at mess level out1a [see red text] unless specified)
- LEV -- level number. Special levels are denoted with SFC (surface), TRP (tropopause), WND (max wind).
- PRES -- pressure of level in mb
- HGHT -- geopotential height in m (intermediate levels interpolated using hypsometric approximation)
- TEMP -- temperature in C
- DEWP -- dewpoint in C
- RH -- relative humidity in %
- DD -- dewpoint depression in C (mess level out1b)
- WETB -- wetbulb temperature in C (mess level out1b)
- DIR -- wind direction in deg (intermediate levels interpolated using significant wind level data)
- SPD -- wind speed in knt (intermediate levels interpolated using significant wind level data)
- THETA -- potential temperature in K (mess level out1b)
- THE-V -- virtual potential temperature in K (mess level out1b)
- THE-W -- wetbulb potential temperature in K (mess level out1b)
- THE-E -- equivalent potential temperature in K (mess level out1b)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEV PRES HGHT TEMP DEWP RH DD WETB DIR SPD THETA THE-V THE-W THE-E W mb m C C % C C deg knt K K K K g/kg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 1000 -1 SFC 980 178 26.4 6.4 28 20.0 14.7 280 19 301.3 302.4 288.6 319.7 6.15 2 925 678 22.2 2.2 27 20.0 11.3 280 47 302.0 302.9 287.6 316.6 4.85 3 850 1403 15.2 -0.8 33 16.0 7.1 280 46 302.1 302.8 287.1 315.0 4.24 4 700 3001 0.0 -6.0 64 6.0 -2.6 295 50 302.5 303.1 286.5 313.2 3.49 ...
The next section displays standard sounding parameters and indices. Most of the information is printed at message level out1d except for thickness, lifted, showalter, total totals and K indices, which is at message level out1c (red text).
Sounding variables and indices 1000-500 mb thick: 5631.00 m Freezing level: 700.00 mb = 3001.00 m = 9845.68 ft Wetbulb zero: 740.60 mb = 2536.94 m = 8323.18 ft Precipitable water: 0.65 inches Sfc-500 mean rel hum: 36.73 % Est. max temperature: 27.28 C = 81.10 F Sfc-Lift cond lev (LCL): 729.89 mb = 2656.89 m = 8716.74 ft T: 3.27 C 700-500 lapse rate: 4.68 C/km ThetaE index: 11.23 C Layer 925.0- 598.0 mb Conv cond level (CCL): 689.45 mb = 3121.77 m = 10241.90 ft Mean mixing ratio: 5.11 g/kg Conv temperature: 27.64 C = 81.75 F Cap Strength: 3.86 C Lifted Index: 5.67 C Risk: None Lifted Index @300 mb: 7.03 C Lifted Index @700 mb: 0.59 C Showalter Index: 6.96 C Risk: None Total Totals Index: 39.00 C Risk: None Vertical Totals Index: 27.50 C Cross Totals Index: 11.50 C K Index: 20.70 Risk: 20-40 % chance of thunderstorms Sweat Index: 178.00 Risk: None Energy Index: 1.12 Risk: None
The next section involves a parcel trajectory. The parcel is taken from some initial condition and raised vertically to the top of the sounding. The default parcel uses a 100 mb mean layer above the surface. The parcel type can be changed with the par plot parameter:
Temperature and dewpoint are optional. If not specified, the sounding temperature
and dewpoint are used.
Type | Pres | Temp | Dew |
pressure level | pres | temp | dew |
surface level | sfc | temp | dew |
max temperature | maxt | -- | -- |
pressure layer | layer | thick | -- |
The data are printed at message level out2b except for CAPE, convective inhibition and cap strength which is printed at level out2a (red text).
Parcel Indices Parcel: using 100 mb layer CAPE (B+): 10.89 J/kg Max Up Vert Vel: 4.67 m/s Conv Inhibition (B-): 30.45 J/kg Cap Strength: 5.49 C Lift Cond Lev (LCL): 696.21 mb = 3044.15 m = 9987.25 ft Lev Free Conv (LFC): 681.21 mb = 3217.42 m = 10555.70 ft Equ Level (EL): 631.21 mb = 3818.50 m = 12527.73 ft B at Equ Level: 7.84 J/kg Max Parcel Lev (MPL): 611.21 mb = 4071.09 m = 13356.44 ft
The next section displays significant wind level data. Storm relative winds are computed based on a mean storm motion. This is computed using the mean wind of the lower 6km of the atmosphere. The storm direction is deflected 30 deg clockwise and the speed is 75% of the 6km mean speed. The output is at message level out3a (red text) except for the storm relative winds which is at out3b.
Wind level data Storm motion: 325 at 43 knt ---------------------------------------------------------- TRUE/GROUND REL | STORM REL LEV P H DIR SPD U V | DIR SPD U V mb m knt m/s | knt m/s ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 980 178 280 19 18.7 -3.3 | 170 32 -5.6 31.9 1 966 305 280 30 29.5 -5.2 | 190 30 5.3 30.0 2 932 610 275 46 45.8 -4.0 | 215 38 21.6 31.2 3 925 678 280 47 46.3 -8.2 | 219 35 22.0 27.0 ...
The next section is wind parameters and indices. This is printed at message level out2d except for mean winds, storm direction, helicity and energy-helicity index which are at level out2c (red text)
Wind Parameters Mean winds (0-6000m): 295.4 at 57.0 knts Storm direction: 325.4 at 42.8 knts Shear (0-3000m) pos: 2.6 neg: 4.7 tot: 7.3 10-3/s Storm rel Dir Shear (0-3000m): 69.6 deg Storm rel helicity (0-3000m) pos: 310.7 neg: -7.0 tot: 303.7 m^2/s^2 ave: 101.2 10^-3 m/s^2 rel: 0.84 Storm rel vorticity (0-3000m) horiz: 8.0 stream: 6.7 10^-3/s Energy-Hel index: 0.02 Bulk Rich Number: 0.13 Bulk Shear: 85.84 m/s
The next section shows storm layer parameters. All of this information is printed at message level out3c.
Storm Parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depth Mean Inflow| Shear | Helicity | Vorticity AGL Dir Spd Dir Spd| Pos Neg Tot| Pos Neg Tot Ave Rel | Hor Strm m knt knt| 10^-3/s | m^2/s^2 m/s^2 | 10^-3/s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 500 278 36 200 32| 0.0 28.8 28.8|225.6 0.0 225.6 451.2 1.00| 29.7 29.6 1000 279 41 210 33| 0.0 14.0 14.0|225.6 -7.0 218.6 218.6 0.94| 15.3 14.4 1500 280 43 213 33| 0.9 9.3 10.2|229.6 -7.0 222.6 148.4 0.88| 11.1 9.8 2000 281 44 215 33| 1.1 7.0 8.1|249.4 -7.0 242.5 121.2 0.89| 9.0 7.9 2500 282 45 217 32| 1.7 5.6 7.3|280.2 -7.0 273.2 109.3 0.89| 8.0 7.1 3000 284 45 219 31| 2.6 4.7 7.3|310.7 -7.0 303.7 101.2 0.84| 8.0 6.7 4000 289 47 225 28| 2.8 4.6 7.3|351.2 -7.0 344.3 86.1 0.75| 7.9 6.0 5000 294 51 237 26| 3.3 4.6 7.9|458.4 -7.0 451.4 90.3 0.73| 8.5 6.2 6000 295 57 248 29| 2.7 5.6 8.4|458.4-100.4 358.0 59.7 0.50| 9.0 4.5
MOS Data Output
There are three types of MOS output depending on the model used.
Model NGM
NGM MOS data for IND Initial time: 00Z 29 SEP 97 HOUR TIME TEMP DEW DIR SPD CIL COV VIS WX MX/MN POP12 SNOW 6 29/ 6Z 59 53 260 11 250 BKN 10 12 29/12Z 54 49 240 11 250 SCT 10 18 29/18Z 70 48 250 22 250 SCT 10 24 30/ 0Z 66 50 290 18 250 SCT 10 73 21 30 30/ 6Z 57 50 280 12 250 BKN 10 36 30/12Z 54 49 280 12 250 BKN 10 52 30 42 30/18Z 65 51 300 15 20 BKN 10 48 1/ 0Z 60 50 320 11 250 SCT 10 68 8 54 1/ 6Z 54 50 310 5 CLR 60 1/12Z 51 48 300 5 CLR 49 0
The columns are:
- HOUR - forecast hour
- TIME - valid time
- TEMP - forecasted temperature (F) at valid time
- DEW - forecasted dewpoint (F) at valid time
- DIR - wind direction (deg) at valid time
- SPD - wind speed (knt) at valid time
- CIL - cloud ceiling (100s ft) at valid time
- COV - cloud cover at valid time
- VIS - visibility (mi) at valid time
- WX - estimated weather at valid time
- MX/MN - extreme temperature (either maximum or minimum) over 12 hour period prior to valid time
- POP12 - probability of precipitation over 12 hour period prior to valid time
- SNOW - estimated snowfall during 12 hour period prior to valid time
NGM MOS data for IND Initial time: 00Z 29 SEP 97 HOUR TIME PSL PREC DIR SPD THK LI VERT 0 29/ 0Z 1004 280 18 5630 1 3.9 6 29/ 6Z 1005 0.00 300 21 5550 3 1.8 12 29/12Z 1005 0.00 260 21 5560 5 -3.8 18 29/18Z 1001 0.00 240 19 5600 5 -1.2 24 30/ 0Z 999 0.00 270 28 5600 2 0.6 30 30/ 6Z 1002 0.00 280 23 5580 5 -0.3 36 30/12Z 1004 0.00 290 24 5580 7 -0.9 42 30/18Z 1009 0.00 310 12 5600 8 -3.0 48 1/ 0Z 1013 0.00 330 15 5610 8 -3.5 Total: 0.00
The columns are:
- HOUR - forecast hour
- TIME - valid time
- PSL - sea level pressure (mb)
- PREC - estimated precipitation (in) over 6 hour period prior to valid time
- DIR - boundary layer wind direction (deg) at valid time
- SPD - boundary layer wind speed (knt) at valid time
- THK - 1000-500 mb thickness (m) at valid time
- LI - 4 layer lifted index
- VERT - 700 mb vertical velocity (mb/sec)
Model MRF
MRF MOS data for IND Initial time: 00Z 28 SEP 97 DAY DATE MAX NRM MIN NRM CLOUDS WINDS POP12 0 28 SEP 72 71 ( +1) 49 61 9 31 1 29 SEP 68 71 ( -3) 51 49 ( +2) 42 39 8 14 16 24 2 30 SEP 67 71 ( -4) 49 49 ( +0) 55 68 9 11 31 25 3 1 OCT 67 71 ( -4) 45 49 ( -4) 44 39 5 7 17 8 4 2 OCT 73 71 ( +2) 47 49 ( -2) 31 41 4 7 9 12 5 3 OCT 72 71 ( +1) 52 49 ( +3) 37 45 6 8 14 21 6 4 OCT 73 71 ( +2) 50 49 ( +1) 42 52 7 9 19 22 7 5 OCT 68 71 ( -3) 49 49 ( +0) 50 50 6 10 25 22
The columns are:
- DAY - forecast day
- DATE - valid date
- MAX - maximum temperature (F) for that day
- NRM - normal maximum temperature (F) followed by departure from normal
- MIN - minimum temperature (F) for that day
- NRM - normal minimum temperature (F) followed by the departure from normal
- CLOUDS - cloud coverage (%). The first number is at 12Z and the second number is at 00Z the next day
- WINDS - wind speed (knt). The first number is at 12Z and the second number is at 00Z the next day
- POP12 - 12 hour probability of precipitation (%). The first number is at 12Z and the second number is at 00Z the next day
Present Weather Determination
The estimated type of weather on NGM plots is based on the following information:
- Precipitation based on probability of precipitation > 30%,
- Precipitation type based on PTYPE field (rain, snow, freezing rain),
- Precipitation intensity based on quantitative precipitation QPF field (see below),
- Existence of thunderstorms based on probability of thunderstorm > 20%,
- Existence of severe thunderstorms based on severe thunderstorm probability > 30%,
- Existence of obscuration (fog/haze) based on VIS field < 1 mile where obscuration type determined by OBVIS field.
Precipitation type and intensity based on 6 hour information
Type | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Rain | R- | R- | R- | R | R+ |
Freezing | ZR- | ZR- | ZR | ZR+ | ZR+ |
Snow | S- | S- | S | S+ | S+ |
Precipitation type and intensity based on 12 hour information
Type | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Rain | R- | R- | R- | R- | R | R+ |
Freezing | ZR- | ZR- | ZR- | ZR | ZR+ | ZR+ |
Snow | S- | S- | S- | S | S+ | S+ |
Last updated June 1, 1998