WXP version 5
File Reference

NetCDF Upper Air File

This type of file is generated by the uacvt program for use with other WXP upper air display programs.


The netCDF data contains the same information as the WXP ASCII format. The information is laid out in the file using the following CDL structure:

netcdf 00031197 {
	report = UNLIMITED ; // (143 currently)
	mant_level = 20 ;
	sigt_level = 50 ;
	sigw_level = 50 ;
	string_len = 11 ;

	char id(report, string_len) ;
		id:long_name = "Station ID" ;
	char region(report, string_len) ;
		region:long_name = "Region ID" ;
	char type(report, string_len) ;
		type:long_name = "Report Origination" ;
	long idn(report) ;
		idn:long_name = "WMO Numeric Station ID" ;
	float lat(report) ;
		lat:long_name = "Latitude" ;
		lat:units = "degrees_N" ;
		lat:valid_range = -180.f, 180.f ;
		lat:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
	float lon(report) ;
		lon:long_name = "Longitude" ;
		lon:units = "degrees_E" ;
		lon:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
	long num_mant(report) ;
		num_mant:long_name = "Number of Mandatory Levels" ;
		num_mant:valid_range = 0, 20 ;
		num_mant:_FillValue = 0 ;
	long num_sigt(report) ;
		num_sigt:long_name = "Number of Significant Levels wrt T" ;
		num_sigt:valid_range = 0, 50 ;
		num_sigt:_FillValue = 0 ;
	long num_sigw(report) ;
		num_sigw:long_name = "Number of Significant Levels wrt W" ;
		num_sigw:valid_range = 0, 50 ;
		num_sigw:_FillValue = 0 ;
	float P_man(report, mant_level) ;
		P_man:long_name = "Pressure - Mandatory Levels" ;
		P_man:units = "hectopascals" ;
		P_man:valid_range = 0.f, 1500.f ;
		P_man:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
	float Z_man(report, mant_level) ;
		Z_man:long_name = "Geopotential - Mandatory Levels" ;
		Z_man:units = "meters" ;
		Z_man:valid_range = -150.f, 100000.f ;
		Z_man:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
	float T_man(report, mant_level) ;
		T_man:long_name = "Temperature - Mandatory Levels" ;
		T_man:units = "celsius" ;
		T_man:valid_range = -100.f, 100.f ;
		T_man:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
	float TD_man(report, mant_level) ;
		TD_man:long_name = "Dew Point - Mandatory Levels" ;
		TD_man:units = "celsius" ;
		TD_man:valid_range = -100.f, 100.f ;
		TD_man:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
	float DIR_man(report, mant_level) ;
		DIR_man:long_name = "Wind Direction - Mandatory Levels" ;
		DIR_man:units = "degrees" ;
		DIR_man:valid_range = 0.f, 360.f ;
		DIR_man:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
	float SPD_man(report, mant_level) ;
		SPD_man:long_name = "Wind Speed - Mandatory Levels" ;
		SPD_man:units = "meters/second" ;
		SPD_man:valid_range = 0.f, 300.f ;
		SPD_man:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
	float P_sigt(report, sigt_level) ;
		P_sigt:long_name = "Pressure - Significant Levels wrt T" ;
		P_sigt:units = "hectopascals" ;
		P_sigt:valid_range = 0.f, 1500.f ;
		P_sigt:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
	float T_sigt(report, sigt_level) ;
		T_sigt:long_name = "Temperature - Significant Levels wrt T" ;
		T_sigt:units = "celsius" ;
		T_sigt:valid_range = -100.f, 100.f ;
		T_sigt:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
	float TD_sigt(report, sigt_level) ;
		TD_sigt:long_name = "Dew Point - Significant Levels wrt T" ;
		TD_sigt:units = "celsius" ;
		TD_sigt:valid_range = -100.f, 100.f ;
		TD_sigt:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
	float Z_sigw(report, sigw_level) ;
		Z_sigw:long_name = "Altitude - Significant Levels wrt W" ;
		Z_sigw:units = "meters" ;
		Z_sigw:valid_range = -150.f, 100000.f ;
		Z_sigw:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
	float DIR_sigw(report, sigw_level) ;
		DIR_sigw:long_name = "Wind Direction - Significant Levels wrt W" ;
		DIR_sigw:units = "degrees" ;
		DIR_sigw:valid_range = 0.f, 360.f ;
		DIR_sigw:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
	float SPD_sigw(report, sigw_level) ;
		SPD_sigw:long_name = "Wind Speed - Significant Levels wrt W" ;
		SPD_sigw:units = "meters/second" ;
		SPD_sigw:valid_range = 0.f, 300.f ;
		SPD_sigw:_FillValue = -9999.f ;

// global attributes:
		:title = "Upper Air Observations" ;
		:version = "2.0" ;
		:history = "Upper air converted file from WXP decoders" ;
		:filetime = "0000Z 11 MAR 97" ;
		:yymmddhh = "1997031100" ;



Last updated August 3, 1998