Program Reference




gridcont - Grid contour plotting


gridcont [parameters...] filename


Command Line Resource Default Description
-h help No Lists basic help information.
-df=filename default wxp.cfg Sets the name of the resource file.
-na=name name gridcont Specifies the name used in resource file parsing.
-me=level message out2 Specifies level of messages to be displayed
  • file information - mess
-fp=path file_path the current directory Specifies location of database files.
-dp=path data_path the current directory Specifies the location of the input raw data files.
-cp=path con_path the current directory Specifies location of decoded/converted data files
-gp=path grid_path the current directory Specifies location of gridded output files from WXP.
-ip=path image_path the current directory Specifies location of output image files (.gif/,png) from WXP.
-nc=name_conv name_conv name.cnv or name_conv file This sets which name convention file to use.
-if=in_file in_file program specific Specifies the input file name tag.
-mf=filename... map_file wxp.map Specifies the name of the map database file. Multiple maps can be specified along with attributes to describe how to draw the map.
-cu=[hour] current none This specifies to use current data files.
-ho=hour hour none Specifies the exact hour that a data file is valid for.
-nh=hours[,skip] num_hour Value Generally 0 Specifies the number of hours worth of data to use in the program
-pd=domain plot_domain program dependent, mostly "us" Sets the plotting domain
-pl=type plot_type Program dependent, normally user prompt Sets the type of output plot
-sc=type plot_scale 1.0 Specifies a scaling factor for all plotted text, symbols, vectors, etc.
-fm=format format None Specifies the output format of data.
-pa=param[,param...] parameter none Specifies addition parameters to program.
-dr=value[,value...] draw all Specifies which part of the plot is to be drawn.
-la=type label Program defaults Specifies the labels to be plotted around the plot. By default, labels are generated by the program and plotted above and below the plot. This resource overrides these labels.
-ci=value con_interval 0 Specifies the contour interval to use in contouring grids. This can also be used to color code plotted data and vectors.
-cb=value con_base lowest contour value, max wind speed or 0 depending on application Specifies the base value for color fill contours, and wind speed per grid distance.
-fl=font_file[,font_file...] font_list modern.fnt Specifies a list of fonts to use in the plots.
-ct=color_table color_table wxp.clr Specifies the color table to use in the plot. This maps color names to actual RGB color values.
-cod=color[:attribute...] color_data green (for most programs) Specifies the color for plotted data.
-com=color[:attribute...] color_map red (for most programs) Specifies the color for background maps.
-col=color[:attribute...] color_label white (black on inverse plots) Specifies the text color for labels above and below the plot.
-coco=color[:attribute...] color_cont white (black on inverse plots) Specifies color for line contours
color_fill magenta, lmagenta, blue, lblue, cyan, lcyan, green, lgreen, brown, yellow, red, lred, dgray, lgray, white Specifies the colors in the color fill contours.
-cocl=color[:attribute...] color_clabel white (black on inverse plots) Specifies color for line contour labels.
-cofl=color[:attribute...] color_flabel black Specifies color for color fill contour labels
-de=device[,parameters] device d for display Specifies the output device.
-ti=title title The name of the program or the value of the name resource Specifies the window title.
-ic icon off Specifies whether to open window in iconified mode.
-bg=color background black Specifies the background color of the window.
-ge=widthxheight[+x+y] geometry 640x512 (for windowed plots) Specifies the window and paper geometry.
filename (positional) filename none Specify input filename


This program contours existing grid files either created by WXP or preformatted GRIB files. WXP grid files can be created with the out_file resource being set on the contouring programs such as sfccalc and upcalc. For multigrid files, additional information can be tacked onto the filename to denote which grid to use. If not specified ont he command line, the filename will be prompted for. The filename syntax is:


where filename is the name of the grid file to use. If a relative path is used, the value of the grid_path is prepended to the filename. The filename can be "std" where standard input is used.

The extra information following the "+" or "#" defines which grid to use within a multigrid file. The value of num represents the sequence number of the grid in the file. Grids are numbered starting at 0 (zero). This number can be determined through a griblook listing.

The values of time, level, and var make it possible to specify the grid based on typical grid information. Possible values for each are:

The unit specification allows the user to change the units of the grid before performing the math.

The user may also specify the input file using the in_file resource to specify a name convention tag and the current resource. To generate a loop, the num_hour resource can be specified. This will tell the program to loop through this number of hours.

The domain defaults to the domain of the first grid unless changed through the plot_domain resource. The domain can be interactively changed using the mouse once the plot has been generated.

The program will now open the graphics window and start processing the data. The user will be prompted for the output device. Then the grid file is opened and data read in. The background map will plot first unless the output is a color fill contour in which the map plots last. Next, the maximum and minimum of the grid are displayed for the user to pick an appropriate contour interval. Then, the contour or vector plot will display.

There are several plot types. For contour plots, there is:

For vectors:

When the plot is complete, output can be saved to a GIF image file, spooled to the printer or the plot can be zoomed. When zooming the image, the plot will redraw to the new domain. It will also add more stations to the plot depending on the size of the domain. When the user is finished with the plot, the enter key can be hit which closes the window and returns the user to the variable prompt.


contour -pl=cf -in=2 -de=d temp.grd

This produces a color fill contour plot of temperature at an interval of 2.




Last updated Ovctober 2013