Program Reference




radmask - Radar mosaic winter mask and clutter filter setup program


radmask [parameters...] filename


Command Line Resource Default Description
-h help No Lists basic help information.
-df=filename default wxp.cfg Sets the name of the resource file.
-na=name name radmask Specifies the name used in resource file parsing.
-me=level message out2 Specifies level of messages to be displayed
  • out3 - list sites and params going into list file
-fp=path file_path the current directory Specifies location of database files.
-dp=path data_path the current directory Specifies the location of the input raw data files.
-gp=path grid_path the current directory Specifies location of gridded output files from WXP.
-mp=path model_path the current directory Specifies location of raw model GRIB data
-nc=name_conv name_conv name.cnv or name_conv file This sets which name convention file to use.
-if=in_file in_file program specific Specifies the input file name tag.
-of=out_file out_file bref_list Specifies the name convention of the output radar list file.
-mo=model model None Sets the input forecast model
-cf=filename city_file ruc Specifies the radar location database.
-cu=[hour] current none This specifies to use current data files.
-ho=hour hour none Specifies the exact hour that a data file is valid for.
-nh=hours[,skip] num_hour Value Generally 0 Specifies the number of hours worth of data to use in the program
-ft=time time init This is used to offset the model data to a more appropriate time.
-pd=domain plot_domain ps,38.5,-98,700,500,.08,.08 Sets the plotting domain
-nf name conv nids_file bref_list Specifies the name convention for the NIDS files used in nids2image. This goes into the output radar list file.
-pm grid conv prec_mask winmask Specifies the name convention used to save the output winter precipitation mask.
-pa=param[,param...] parameter none Specifies addition parameters to program.
filename (positional) filename none Specify input filename


The radar mask program performs two functions:

Winter precipitation mask

The program creates a winter precipitation mask from model data. The output is a grid of values: 0 for rain, 1 for mixed and 2 for frozen/snow. The grid used is specified with the resrc:plot_domain resource. This does not have to match the radar mosaic output since prog:nids2image will interpolate but it should be roughly the same resolution or better than the input model grids.

The input are model grids, preferably from the RUC/RAP model. The model is specified with the resrc:model resource. There are six grids used in the two algorithms:

The temperatures are used to determine precip type (liquid, mix, frozen) and to determine inversions for AP (Anomalous Propagation). The relative humidities are used to estimate moisture and cloud cover. Clutter and AP are less likely in dry conditions. Also, in cold conditions, the clutter mask should be less because clutter is less of an issue and snow is tougher to pick up on radar.

The resrc:time resource is used to specify a forecast offset. For example, the model might be nearly an hour old when it's processed. So it's more appropriate to use the 1 hour forecast (the default).

The program will compute a winter weather radar mask grid. This default grid is a 8km grid over the CONUS region. This can be changed with the resrc:plot_domain resource. The grid will be saved to the file specified by the resrc:prec_mask resource.

Radar list file

The program will create a radar list file. This contains a list of radar sites given by a name convention. Each line contains a single site and is formatted as:

name [flag] [param]

The default name convention is specified with the resrc:nids_file resource. The site ID is tack onto the end of the convention tag. For example, if nids_file is "nids_n0r", the output will be "nids_n0r:i=id" where ID is the 3 letter site identifier of the radar. The program will also use the RUC model data to produce a site specific clutter removal ramp function. An example of a radar list is:

nids:t=n0r:i=ABR ramp:35:350
nids:t=n0r:i=ABX ramp:35:350
nids:t=n0r:i=AKQ ramp:35:350
nids:t=n0r:i=AMA ramp:30:300
nids:t=n0r:i=AMX ramp:35:350
nids:t=n0r:i=APX ramp:40:400
nids:t=n0r:i=ARX ramp:35:350

The program uses the "rad.cty" database to create the radar list. It uses any radar site with a priority or 1 or 2 and omits non-US sites. The radar station database can be changed with the resrc:city_file resource.

Program execution

This program should be run once an hour after the arrival of the latest RUC/RAP model run. The file list and winter mask will be used by the prog:nids2image radar mosaic program.




Last updated December 2013