soundplot - Upper air and model data sounding plotting
soundplot [parameters...] filename
Command Line | Resource | Default | Description |
-h | help | No | Lists basic help information. |
-df=filename | default | wxp.cfg | Sets the name of the resource file. |
-na=name | name | the program name | Specifies the name used in resource file parsing. |
-me=level | message | out2 | Specifies level of messages to be displayed
-fp=path | file_path | the current directory | Specifies location of database files. |
-dp=path | data_path | the current directory | Specifies the location of the input raw data files. |
-cp=path | con_path | the current directory | Specifies location of decoded/converted data files |
-ip=path | image_path | the current directory | Specifies location of output image files (.gif/,png) from WXP. |
-nc=name_conv | name_conv | name.cnv or name_conv file | This sets which name convention file to use. |
-if=in_file | in_file | program specific | Specifies the input file name tag. |
-of=out_file | out_file | program specific | Specifies the output file name tag. |
-cu=[hour] | current | none | This specifies to use current data files. |
-ho=hour | hour | none | Specifies the exact hour that a data file is valid for. |
-mo=model | model | None | Sets the input forecast model |
-ft=time | time | init | Sets forecast time |
-id=ident[,ident...] | identifier | None | Specifies the station or location to use. If a 4 letter station identifier is specified, its location is queried from sao.cty database. A specific latitude and longitude can be specified as lat,lon. |
-pd=domain | plot_domain | program dependent, mostly "us" | Sets the plotting domain |
-pl=type | plot_type | skewt | Specifies the type of output thermodynamic plot:
-sc=type | plot_scale | 1.0 | Specifies a scaling factor for all plotted text, symbols, vectors, etc. |
-fm=format | format | None | Specifies the output format of data. |
-pa=param[,param...] | parameter | none | Specifies addition parameters to program. |
-dr=value[,value...] | draw | all | Specifies which part of the plot is to be drawn. |
-la=type | label | Program defaults | Specifies the labels to be plotted around the plot. By default, labels are generated by the program and plotted above and below the plot. This resource overrides these labels. |
-fl=font_file[,font_file...] | font_list | modern.fnt | Specifies a list of fonts to use in the plots. |
-ct=color_table | color_table | wxp.clr | Specifies the color table to use in the plot. This maps color names to actual RGB color values. |
-col=color[:attribute...] | color_label | white (black on inverse plots) | Specifies the text color for labels above and below the plot. |
-cod=color[:attribute...] | color_data | green (for most programs) | Specifies the color for plotted data. |
-cog=color[:attribute...] | color_grid | blue, blue, green, cyan, yellow | This resource is used to specify the color and attributes for the
thermodynamic plot. There are 5 possible values:
-copa=color[:attribute...] | color_parcel | yellow | Specifies the color for parcel lines on soundings |
-de=device[,parameters] | device | d for display | Specifies the output device. |
-ti=title | title | The name of the program or the value of the name resource | Specifies the window title. |
-ic | icon | off | Specifies whether to open window in iconified mode. |
-bg=color | background | black | Specifies the background color of the window. |
-ge=widthxheight[+x+y] | geometry | 640x512 (for windowed plots) | Specifies the window and paper geometry. |
filename (positional) | filename | none | Specify input filename |
This program plots upper air soundings from either rawinsondes or model data. The output is either a thermodynamic diagram or hodograph. If the res:model resource is specified, it will derive a sounding from model data. Otherwise, it will use upper air rawinsonde data. If rawinsonde data is specified, the res:identifier resource is used to specify the sounding location. For model data, this is either a location specified by a 4 letter identifier or a latitude and longitude separated by a comma. The 4 letter identifier is searched from the sao.cty file for location information.
href="../Resources/model.html">model resource. The specified string is first looked up in the model.lup file which cross-references the file to a file naming convention.The programs starts off by prompting the user for input grid file name. The list of available grid files is based on the file name convention which is dependent on the model type and the file name tag associated with it. The tag can be specifically changed with the in_file resource. The user may specify the input file either via the command line of through the current resource.
Next, the program prompts the user for the forecast time. This is done through a forecast time menu which is specified in the grbsnd.tim file. Remember, each model type has a specific set of valid forecast times which is defined in the time file. Because of the breadth of models available, not all of the model types will be covered. Even though a menu does not list an appropriate time, it is still accessible be specifically stating the time on either the command line or at the menu prompt.
Next, the user enters a station identifier. If a station identifier is specified, its location is queried from sao.cty database. A specific latitude and longitude can be specified as lat,lon.
Once the station is selected, the program retrieves the grids from the model file. These include temperature, relative humidity, U and V wind components and height for all levels from 1000 mb to 100 mb. For most models, this data is available every 50 mb. The data is then interpolated to the station location and a sounding is constructed.
Once the sounding is available, the program prints out sounding information, and standard sounding parameters and indices.
Text Output
The first section is the station location information which is printed at message level out1a:
Date: 24 hour ETA valid 0Z WED 1 OCT 97
Station: KIND
Latitude: 39.73
Longitude: -86.27
The next section is the raw sounding data. This is a merged set of mandatory and significant level data. Additional computations are performed. Here is a list of the columns printed (all printed at mess level out1a [see red text] unless specified)
- LEV -- level number. Special levels are denoted with SFC (surface), TRP (tropopause), WND (max wind).
- PRES -- pressure of level in mb
- HGHT -- geopotential height in m (intermediate levels interpolated using hypsometric approximation)
- TEMP -- temperature in C
- DEWP -- dewpoint in C
- RH -- relative humidity in %
- DD -- dewpoint depression in C (mess level out1b)
- WETB -- wetbulb temperature in C (mess level out1b)
- DIR -- wind direction in deg (intermediate levels interpolated using significant wind level data)
- SPD -- wind speed in knt (intermediate levels interpolated using significant wind level data)
- THETA -- potential temperature in K (mess level out1b)
- THE-V -- virtual potential temperature in K (mess level out1b)
- THE-W -- wetbulb potential temperature in K (mess level out1b)
- THE-E -- equivalent potential temperature in K (mess level out1b)
mb m C C % C C deg knt K K K K g/kg
0 1000 109
SFC 986 228 15.6 10.1 70 5.5 12.4 316 9 289.9 291.3 286.1 312.2 7.88
2 950 545 12.9 8.8 76 4.1 10.6 315 19 290.3 291.6 285.9 311.5 7.49
3 900 997 8.7 7.1 89 1.7 7.8 319 21 290.5 291.7 285.5 310.5 7.02
4 850 1467 5.1 3.2 88 1.9 4.1 328 21 291.5 292.5 284.5 307.8 5.68
5 800 1960 3.4 -2.8 64 6.2 0.6 338 20 294.8 295.5 283.9 306.3 3.90
The next section displays standard sounding parameters and indices. Most of the information is printed at message level out1d except for thickness, lifted, Showalter, total totals and K indices which is at message level out1c (red text).
Sounding variables and indices 1000-500 mb thick: 5587.03 m Freezing level: 643.64 mb = 3714.58 m = 12186.81 ft Wetbulb zero: 789.00 mb = 2072.41 m = 6799.17 ft Precipitable water: 0.67 inches Sfc-500 mean rel hum: 41.53 % Est. max temperature: 18.05 C = 64.49 F Sfc-Lift cond lev (LCL): 908.75 mb = 915.84 m = 3004.69 ft T: -263.68 C 700-500 lapse rate: 4.61 C/km ThetaE index: 5.84 C Layer 950.0- 750.0 mb Conv cond level (CCL): 881.54 mb = 1167.24 m = 3829.49 ft Mean mixing ratio: 7.34 g/kg Conv temperature: 16.54 C = 61.78 F Cap Strength: 9.95 C Lifted Index: 10.17 C Risk: None Lifted Index @300 mb: 10.90 C Lifted Index @700 mb: 4.37 C Showalter Index: 12.28 C Risk: None
Total Totals Index: 31.16 C Risk: None Vertical Totals Index: 16.51 C Cross Totals Index: 14.65 C K Index: 4.27 Risk: None Sweat Index: 138.97 Risk: None Energy Index: 2.72 Risk: None
The next section involves a parcel trajectory. The parcel is taken from some initial condition and raised vertically to the top of the sounding. The default parcel uses a 100 mb mean layer above the surface. The parcel type can be changed with the par plot parameter:
Temperature and dewpoint are optional. If not specified, the
sounding temperature
and dewopint are used.
Type | Pres | Temp | Dew |
pressure level | pres | temp | dew |
surface level | sfc | temp | dew |
max temperature | maxt | -- | -- |
pressure layer | layer | thick | -- |
The data are printed at message level out2b except for CAPE, convective inhibition and cap strength which is printed at level out2a (red text).
Parcel Indices
Parcel: using 100 mb layer
CAPE (B+): 5.86 J/kg Max Up Vert Vel: 3.42 m/s Conv Inhibition (B-): 3.15 J/kg
Cap Strength: 10.12 C Lift Cond Lev (LCL): 888.66 mb = 1101.03 m = 3612.25 ft Lev Free Conv (LFC): 863.66 mb = 1335.91 m = 4382.86 ft Equ Level (EL): 823.66 mb = 1723.24 m = 5653.59 ft B at Equ Level: 5.60 J/kg Max Parcel Lev (MPL): 793.66 mb = 2024.75 m = 6642.80 ft
The next section displays significant wind level data. Storm relative winds are computed based on a mean storm motion. This is computed using the mean wind of the lower 6km of the atmosphere. The storm direction is deflected 30 deg clockwise and the speed is 75% of the 6km mean speed. The output is at message level out3a (red text) except for the storm relative winds which is at out3b.
Wind level data
Storm motion: 349 at 27 knt
mb m knt m/s | knt m/s
0 1000 109 1 986 228 316 9 6.1 -6.4 | 183 20 1.1 20.4
2 950 545 315 19 13.2 -13.3 | 211 16 8.2 13.5
3 900 997 319 21 14.0 -15.9 | 220 14 9.1 10.9
4 850 1467 328 21 11.2 -17.6 | 214 11 6.2 9.1
The next section is wind parameters and indices. This is printed at message level out2d except for mean winds, storm direction, helicity and energy-helicity index which are at level out2c (red text)
Wind Parameters
Mean winds (0-6000m): 319.5 at 36.3 knts
Storm direction: 349.5 at 27.2 knts Shear (0-3000m) pos: 2.1 neg: 2.5 tot: 4.6 10-3/s Storm rel Dir Shear (0-3000m): 87.9 deg Storm rel helicity (0-3000m) pos: 78.0 neg: -5.8 tot: 72.2 m^2/s^2 ave: 24.1 10^-3 m/s^2 rel: 0.63 Storm rel vorticity (0-3000m) horiz: 5.6 stream: 3.5 10^-3/s Energy-Hel index: 0.00 Bulk Rich Number: 0.10 Bulk Shear: 56.19 m/s
The next section shows storm layer parameters. All of this information is printed at message level out3c.
Storm Parameters
Depth Mean Inflow| Shear | Helicity | Vorticity
AGL Dir Spd Dir Spd| Pos Neg Tot| Pos Neg Tot Ave Rel | Hor Strm
m knt knt| 10^-3/s | m^2/s^2 m/s^2 | 10^-3/s
500 316 16 201 17| 11.2 0.0 11.2| 42.7 0.0 42.7 85.4 0.88| 11.4 10.0
1000 318 18 209 15| 6.3 0.0 6.3| 45.4 0.0 45.4 45.4 0.76| 7.1 5.4
1500 321 19 210 14| 4.3 0.0 4.3| 45.4 -5.8 39.6 26.4 0.48| 6.0 2.9
2000 325 19 210 12| 3.2 0.8 4.0| 51.9 -5.8 46.1 23.0 0.55| 5.3 2.9
2500 326 21 215 12| 2.6 1.9 4.4| 65.0 -5.8 59.2 23.7 0.61| 5.6 3.4
3000 325 23 224 11| 2.1 2.5 4.6| 78.0 -5.8 72.2 24.1 0.63| 5.6 3.5
4000 324 27 246 12| 1.6 3.3 4.9|107.6 -5.8 101.8 25.4 0.59| 5.7 3.4
5000 322 32 263 15| 1.3 3.7 5.0|121.3 -6.9 114.4 22.9 0.51| 5.6 2.9
6000 319 36 273 19| 1.1 3.5 4.6|121.3 -42.1 79.2 13.2 0.40| 5.3 2.1
Sounding Plots
After the text is displayed, the user is prompted for the output plot type. The selections are:
- skewt -- Skew T log P diagram
- ema -- Emagram
- stuve -- Stuve diagram
- hodo -- Hodogram
A thermodynamic diagram is plot showing the temperature and dewpoint plotted versus pressure (or height). A hodograph is a plot of wind speed versus direction on a polar grid.
Skew-T log-P: The skew-T log-P diagram is an energy conserving diagram in which the temperature and potential temperature lines are nearly perpendicular. The pressure lines are plotted horizontally in blue and are also on an inverse log scale. The concept of Skew T means that the temperature is not plotted vertically but angles off to the right at a 45 degree angle. The temperature lines of the Skew T are in blue. The dry adiabats slope off to the upper left and are plotted in green. The light blue dashed curved lines are saturation adiabats. The yellow dashed lines are lines of constant mixing ratio.
The sounding is displayed in white, with the white line on the left of the plot representing the dewpoint line and the white data line on the right representing the temperature line. When printed, these are bold lines for easier viewing. The wind barbs on the right-hand side of the diagram represent the winds at various elevations, with the top of the diagram representing north. The winds at mandatory levels are plotted at their pressure levels, whereas the winds at height levels are plotted at their standard atmosphere pressure level.
Emagram: An emagram is very close to a skewT except the temperature lines are vertical, not skewed to the right. It is also an energy conserving diagram.
Stuve: In the Stuve diagram format, the diagram is much the same as the Skew T plot except that the temperature lines are vertical. Pressure lines are spaced so that potential temperature lines are straight. This is not an energy conserving diagram.
Wind plot: The winds at selected levels are plotted on the right side of the diagram. Standard directions are used with up being north and right being to the east. These are plotted in white but can be changed with the color_wind resource.
Data plot: The geopotential heights are plotted at a 50 mb interval on the left side of the plot. The color of the data can be changed with the color_wind resource. On the right side of the plot, specific parameters and indices are plotted. These values are:
Station information:
WMO | WMO number |
LAT | Latitude of station |
LON | Longitude of station |
EL | Elevation of station in meters |
Key information:
TP | Tropopause level (mb) |
MW | Max wind level (mb) |
FRZ | Lowest freezing level (mb) or BG for below ground |
WB0 | Wet bulb zero (mb) or BG |
PW | Precipitable water (in) |
RH | Mean RH surface to 500 mb (%) |
MAXT | Estimated max temperature (C) using a 150mb layer |
TH | 1000-500mb thickness (m) |
L57 | 700-500mb lapse rate (C/km) |
LCL | Lift condensation level (mb) from surface data |
LI | Lifted index (C) using 100 mean layer above surface |
SI | Showalter index (C) |
TT | Total totals index |
KI | K index |
SW | Sweat index |
EI | Energy index |
This is a parcel trajectory (the yellow line on the sounding) based on
100 mb mean layer.
CAPE | Convective available potential energy |
CINH | Convective inhibition (open ended) |
LCL | Lift condensation level (mb) |
CAP | Cap strength (C) |
LFC | Level free convection (mb) |
EL | Equilibrium level (mb) |
MPL | Maximum parcel level (mb) |
Wind parameters
STM | Estimated storm motion (knts) from 0-6000m AG mean layer, spd 75% of mean, dir 30 deg veer from mean. |
HEL | Storm relative helicity 0-3000m AG (total value) |
SHR+ | Positive shear magnitude 0-3000m AG (sum of veering shear values) |
SRDS | Storm relative directional shear 0-3000m AG (directional difference of storm relative winds) |
EHI | Energy helicity index (prop to positive helicity * CAPE) |
BRN | Bulk Richardson number 500-6000m AG (prop to CAPE/bulk shear) |
BSHR | Bulk shear value (magnitude of shear over layer) |
The amount of data plotted can be regulated by using the data plot parameters:
- nodata -- no data plotted
- data -- all data plotted
- data1 -- minimal data plotted
- data2 -- important data plotted
Parcel Trajectory: A parcel trajectory is plotted with each sounding as a thick yellow line. If no parcel trajectory is needed, specifying the noparcel plot parameter will eliminate it from the plot. The type of parcel can changed by specifying the par plot parameter.
Wind hodograph: The wind hodograph is a polar plot of wind speed and direction. The radius directly reflects wind speed. The hodograph is plotted for all mandatory and wind at height levels with the plot annotated with plus signs at each level and labeled with the mandatory level pressures above and to the right of the plus sign. The lowest level data (below 700 mb) is plotted in white.
The plot type can be changed. If the thermodynamic diagram is visible, the hodograph can be plotted by hitting <Meta>n. By hitting <Meta>n again, the thermodynamic plot will reappear.
Sounding Modification
Once the data are plotted, the sounding can be modified. This can be done by moving the cursor to the line which is to be modified, holding down the <Shift-right button> and moving the cursor to where the new value will be. If the cursor is right of the temperature line, the temperature sounding is modified. If the cursor is left of the dewpoint line, the dewpoint is modified. This can only be done on the existing levels. This can also be done on the hodograph.
In many cases, the sounding has too much detail to effectively select a level or data point. It is recommended that the user zoom the plot by using the <Shift-left button> and dragging a box around the area to be zoomed. Remember to start at a corner.
Once the sounding is modified, the plotted data will update to reflect the changed sounding. The parcel will not automatically update. This can be done with the <Meta>r refresh command. The modified sounding can be saved to a raw file using the <Meta>s save command. This can be read in by uacalplt to be replotted.
Output Files
By default, this program does not produce output files. A raw file can be generated using the <Meta>s command in the plot window. The out_file resource specifies a filename, a file tag (lookup in file name convention file) or a name convention (with wildcards). The output can be GIF file by specifying gif as the file type. It may be desirable to turn plotting of when producing output files. To do this, specify none for the plot_type resource.
grbsnd -cu=la -mo=eta -ft=h24 -id=KIND -pl=skewt
This plots a 24 hour ETA forecast skewT diagram for KIND.
grbsnd -cu=la -mo=ngm -ft=h30 -id=30,-100
-pl=skewt -de=d
This plots a 30 hour NGM forecast skewT diagram for the location 30N, 100W.
- sao.cty - the surface station location database file
Last updated November 2013