WXP Resources
WXP has over 50 resources available. Each resource has a name and a value which can either be a number, string or a list of values separated by commas. Here is a list of resources used in WXP version 6 and a brief explanation of what information they contain. An alphabetical list appears below:
File Resources
- name_conv - This defines the file which stores the naming convention information for WXP. Every file WXP uses must adhere to a specific name convention which is how date and time information are contained in the file name.
- file_path - This defines the path to locate all WXP database files including city databases (define station locations) and map databases.
- data_path - This defines the path to locate all raw encoded data from the Family of Services. Generally, the decoders and parsers use this resource but it is also used for locating MOS data and some of the model gridpoint data.
- con_path - This defines the path to locate all decoded/converted data files. The WXP decoders will read data in from the data_path and place their output in the con_path directory. Most WXP analysis programs then read from this directory
- grid_path - This is where grid file generated by WXP are saved.
- raw_path - This is where raw files generated by WXP are saved.
- image_path - This is where images generated by WXP are saved.
- in_file - Specifies the input file naming convention.
- out_file - Specifies the output file naming convention.
- filename - This specifies the actual filename to be used by a program.
Date Resources
- current - This defines which data files is to be used based on the current time. You can specify to use the latest file or a file which is X number of hours old.
- hour - This limits the current resource to specific hour during the day. This would be used if you want the latest 12Z file.
- num_hour - This specifies how many data files to use. In parsing programs, this extends the search for data to more than one data file. In display programs, this specifies the number of hours to loop through.
Data Analysis Parameters
- plot_domain - This specifies the domain and projection of the final plot. There are several projections available in WXP.
- grid_domain - This specifies the domain to use when fitting data to a grid.
- model - This specifies the forecast model to use.
- grid_type - This specifies which grid type to retrieve from the file
- time - This specifies the forecast time to be used in programs that deal with forecast products.
- level - This specifies the vertical level or layer to be used in the program.
- variable - The variable or parameter to plot.
- identifier - This specifies a list of specific station identifier to use.
- type - This specifies a type of data to use.
- grid_num - Specifies the exact grid sequence number in the file to retrieve.
- object_param - Specifies the parameters to be used when fitting the data to a grid.
- stat_prior - Determines the priority level of the stations to be used. The higher the number, the more stations will be used.
- product- Specifies a WMO product header to parse for.
- input - Specifies the type of input to the program
- output - Specifies the type of output from the program.
- parameter - Specifies general parameters for a programs.
Database Parameters
- city_file - This lists the city database file to be used to locate station data.
- map_file - This lists the map files to be used in creating the geographical background maps.
Plotting Parameters
- plot_type - Specifies the type of output plot
- draw - Defines which parts of the plot are to be drawn. This is handy for overlays where certain parts of the plot may overlap another.
- con_interval - Specifies the interval to be used in plotting and contouring data.
- con_base - Specifies the base value to be used for contours.
- plot_scale - The scale factor to be used in plotting the data.
- format - Specifies the formatting of the data being plotted
- label - Specifies the text to use for the labels on the plot.
- logo - Specifies a logo image to be added to a plot.
- font_list - Lists the fonts to be used in the plots
- color_table - Specifies a file which contains a list of color that will be used in the plots
Attribute/Color Parameters
- color_label - Specifies the colors/attributes of the text labels drawn above and below the plot.
- color_map - Specifies the colors/attributes of the base map used in most programs.
- color_fmap - Specifies the colors/attributes on the color fill contour map overlay.
- color_grid - Specifies the colors/attributes of the background grid.
- color_fgrid - Specifies the colors/attributes for the grid used in color fill contours.
- color_latlon - Specifies the colors/attributes of the latitude, longitude lines.
- color_data - Specifies the colors/attributes of plotted data.
- color_cont - Specifies the colors/attributes of the line contours.
- color_fill - Specifies the colors/attributes of the color fill contours.
- color_clabel - Specifies the colors/attributes of line contour labels
- color_flabel - Specifies the colors/attributes of color fill contour labels.
Device/Window Parameters
- device - Specifies the output device type and parameters.
- geometry - Specifies the geometry of the window or output plot.
- title - Specifies the title to use on the window.
- icon - Specifies whether to open the window iconified and not visible.
- background - Specifies the background color to be used in the plot
- inverse - Specifies inverse plots (white background)
Ingest Parameters
- prod_file - Specifies the name of the product selection file
- log_file - Specifies the name of the log file
Miscellaneous Parameters
- help - Provides help for each program
- message - This specifies the message level. This is handy in either reducing the amount of text output from a program or increasing it for informative purposes.
- default - Specifies the location of the resource file
- name - Specifies a program name for resource parsing
Alphabetical List
- background - Specifies the background color to be used in the plot
- calibration - Specifies to calibration curve for IR satellite imagery
- city_file - This lists the city database file to be used to locate station data.
- color_clabel - Specifies the colors/attributes of line contour labels
- color_cont - Specifies the colors/attributes of the line contours.
- color_data - Specifies the colors/attributes of plotted data.
- color_fgrid - Specifies the colors/attributes for the grid used in color fill contours.
- color_fill - Specifies the colors/attributes of the color fill contours.
- color_flabel - Specifies the colors/attributes of color fill contour labels.
- color_fmap - Specifies the colors/attributes on the color fill contour map overlay.
- color_front - Specifies the colors/attributes for fronts.
- color_grid - Specifies the colors/attributes of the background grid.
- color_label - Specifies the colors/attributes of the text labels drawn above and below the plot.
- color_latlon - Specifies the colors/attributes of the latitude, longitude lines.
- color_map - Specifies the colors/attributes of the base map used in most programs.
- color_parcel - Specifies the colors/attributes of the parcel line on a sounding plot.
- color_table - Specifies a file which contains a list of color that will be used in the plots
- color_watch - Specifies the colors for watch boxes
- con_base - Specifies the base value to be used for contours.
- con_interval - Specifies the interval to be used in plotting and contouring data.
- con_path - This defines the path to locate all decoded/converted data files. The WXP decoders will read data in from the data_path and place their output in the con_path directory. Most WXP analysis programs then read from this directory
- current - This defines which data files is to be used based on the current time. You can specify to use the latest file or a file which is X number of hours old.
- data_path - This defines the path to locate all raw encoded data. Generally, the decoders and parsers use this resource but it is also used for locating MOS data and some of the model gridpoint data.
- default - Specifies the location of the resource file
- device - Specifies the output device type and parameters.
- draw - Defines which parts of the plot are to be drawn. This is handy for overlays where certain parts of the plot may overlap another.
- file_path - This defines the path to locate all WXP database files including city databases (define station locations) and map databases.
- filename - This specifies the actual filename to be used by a program.
- font_list - Lists the fonts to be used in the plots
- format- Specifies the output format of data
- geometry - Specifies the geometry of the window or output plot.
- grid_domain - This specifies the domain to use when fitting data to a grid.
- grid_num - Specifies the exact grid sequence number in the file to retrieve.
- grid_path - This is where grid file generated by WXP are saved.
- grid_type - This specifies which grid type to retrieve from the file
- help - Provides help for each program
- hour - This limits the current resource to specific hour during the day. This would be used if you want the latest 12Z file.
- icon - Specifies whether to open the window iconified and not visible.
- identifier - This specifies a list of specific station identifier to use.
- image_path - This is where images generated by WXP are saved.
- in_file - This resource is used to define the input file naming convention.
- input - Specifies the type of input to the program
- inverse - Specifies inverse plots (white background)
- label - Specifies the text to use for the labels on the plot.
- level - This specifies the vertical level or layer to be used in the program.
- log_file - Specifies the name of the log file
- logo - Specifies a logo image to add to plot
- map_file - This lists the map files to be used in creating the geographical background maps.
- message - This specifies the message level. This is handy in either reducing the amount of text output from a program or increasing it for informative purposes.
- model - This specifies the forecast model to use.
- model_mask - This specifies model data to tranparent mask a satelite image.
- name - Specifies a program name for resource parsing
- name_conv - This defines the file which stores the naming convention information for WXP. Every file WXP uses must adhere to a specific name convention which is how date and time information are contained in the file name.
- num_hour - This specifies how many data files to use. In parsing programs, this extends the search for data to more than one data file. In display programs, this specifies the number of hours to loop through.
- object_param - Specifies the parameters to be used when fitting the data to a grid.
- out_file - Specifies the file naming convention the type of output files
- output - Specifies the type of output from the program.
- parameter - Specifies general parameters for a program
- plot_domain - This specifies the domain and projection of the final plot. There are several projections available in WXP.
- plot_scale - The scale factor to be used in plotting the data.
- plot_type - Specifies the type of output plot
- product- Specifies a WMO product header to parse for.
- prod_file - Specifies the name of the product selection file
- raw_path - This is where raw files generated by WXP are saved.
- sat_path - Specifies where satellite images are saved
- stat_prior - Determines the priority level of the stations to be used. The higher the number, the more stations will be used.
- text_path - Specifies where text data are saved
- time - This specifies the forecast time to be used in programs that deal with forecast products.
- timezone - Specifies the timezone to use on the plot.
- title - Specifies the title to use on the window.
- type - Specifies the type of data to use in the plot.
- variable - The variable or parameter to plot.
Last updated June 15, 2020